Chapter 2

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        So it was almost 7 and Amelia had been ready for the last hour. She was nervous yet excited. She had no clue where this event was happing so that meant she had no clue what to wear. Was it inside or outside? Could it be a swimming party? She had absolutely no clue. But she settled on a cute blouse, skinny jeans, and some sandals thinking that if she needed something else Tucker would tell her when he got there. 

        Tucker. He was so beautiful and the thought of him gave her nervous butterflies. He probably isn't in to me like that anyway. If he was she'd find out tonight, right? 

        Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Amelia was jolted from her thoughts. She stood and opened the door and there was Tucker. She smiled and watched as he looked her over. He stopped at her feet and looked confused.

"Sandals?" he asked curiously.

"Yes. Is something wrong with them?" 

He chuckled softly, "You're gonna need something more."

"More? Like what?" she was terribly confused.

"Like boots. Boots like mine."

She looked down and noticed that he had...cowboy boots on.

"I dont think I have any like that," she bit her lip.

He smirked, "Well we can stop at my house and you can borrow my sister's. What size are you?"


"Perfect. You both wear the same size. Let's go." he smiled and walked to his truck.

        Amelia followed nervously and noticed that he had a pickup truck with no back seats. That's odd. She hadn't seen many trucks like those but shrugged it off and got in as Tucker kindly held the door open for her. She blushed and watched him walk around to the driver's side. The truck roared to life and we were off.

        They stopped by his house and got his sister's boots. She didn't understand the importance of them so she decided to ask. 

"Tucker? Why do I need these boots? Why can't I just wear my sandals."

He smirked, "You can. Unless you want your feet all muddy and your shoes ruined."

She was confused, "Where is this thing at? This is a party right?"

"Yes but not the kind of party you're thinking of."

She nodded and didn't ask another question. She didn't understand what he meant but figured she'd find out soon.

        They drove for a while and soon turned into this field. He drove deep into the field and she started to see people and a fire. A very big fire. It was a bonfire party. She couldn't understand why they would want to party in a field though?

        Tucker parked the car and he helped her out. She smiled and looked around hearing the country music playing and people singing, talking, and dancing. Everyone looked like they where having a good time and she thought it looked fun until she saw the beer and the red solo cups. She groaned and looked at Tucker 

"I didn't know there was going to be alcohol"

"Its okay Amelia. You don't have to drink. I won't drink much either. Just a few"

She nodded nervously. She had never been to a party before but she wasn't about to tell Tucker that. He grabbed her hand and led her over to everyone. He greeted his friends cheerfully and a beer was placed in his hands. Amelia looked at all of the strangers around her but her attention was diverted back to Tucker when she heard him start to introduce her. 

"Guys this is Amelia. She is new here. Amelia, this is Randy, Jake, and Steve." he pointed to the three guys standing around them. She smiled softly and waved at them. Steve winked at her and her eyes widened slightly as she blushed. Steve chuckled and Tucker nudged his arm 

"Don't harrass her. She doesn't need to leave scarred.' He smirked but they knew he was serious. Tucker took a few gulps of his beer and looked at her

"Wanna dance?"

She nodded shyly and he pulled her over to where there were other people dancing as well. Tucker started moving to the beat and Amelia was a little awkward. She looked down at her feet trying to figure out how she should move them. She was grateful for the boots considering how comfortable they were and the ground was muddy. Tucker threw his beer can on the ground and took both of her hands and started leading her. She was glad he was doing that and went along with him.

After a few songs, Amelia wanted to take a break was really thirsty. She was still nervous as she followed Tucker to get a drink. She wasn't sure what these other people thought of her and she wasn't sure how to act. Tucker looked in the cooler and frowned "All we have is alcohol. Im sorry."

Amelia frowned slightly but was sooo thirsty. "I guess I'll take a beer or something."

Tucker got her something less alcoholic and more girly tasting that Amelia seemed to really enjoy. It was almost as if she was addicted but she didn't drink too many. She was buzzed now and had loosed up a ton. Tucker smirked as a slower song came on "Let's dance."

She agreed and they started dancing. Their bodies were closer than they had been for the other dances and she seemed to like that. His hands were on her waist and they soon slid around to hug around her. They swayed happily and Tucker looked in her eyes happily. They weren't around so many people anymore and were closer to his truck which wasn't far from the whole party. Amelia's eyes looked down at Tucker's lips and she licked her lips slightly. She felt more comfortable around him since they had spent most of the night talking about random things and getting to know each other. 

Amelia could see Tucker inching closer to her face but she didn't stop him. Tucker's lips soon met hers and he kissed her gently. She responded and kissed him back pushing her face closer. Tucker gained more confidence and kissed her deeper. Both of their mouths parted and they were now making out. Amelia felt her back his the cool side of the pick up truck. Her hands slid around Tucker's neck and the kiss became heavier and hotter. Tuck's hands roamed her body and they cupped her ass gently. Amelia's eyes widened in panic and she pulled away from the kiss but didn't go far considering she was pressed against the truck.

Tuck looked at her breathing slightly heavier "What?"

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Thanks again and until next chapter!



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