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I'm mad for what reason I don't know want to punch a wall maybe scream it makes me mad when someone tells me they don't like MY sexuality it's fucking annoying homophobia is disgusting like who tf are you definitely not my mom
Oh wait you are
So mom why you so mad you think I'm gonna go to hell oh you think it's wrong because I like women I like men you think it's wrong because I'd rather fuck a woman than I would a man men are fucking gross and women can be too but why would we choose to act all weird and disgusting when we deal with so many problems already
You like I'm gonna go to hell because good said a women must be with the men welp looks like I'll see you there because it also says if you wear clothes with more than one material that's a sin to so guess I'll see you there fucking bitch kids get on my nerves people get on my never everything is just soooo ANNOYING I can't wait until I can be happy because this shit ain't working out for me
Anyway I'm emotionally unstable that's what I'm trying to say it's fucking annoying
But I'm going to go write some smut to make me feel better don't know why but it helps it's weird don't ask anyway bye

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