
Mulai dari awal

First Jiang Yifei tried on blue jeans and a purple top. She exited the dressing room and Bai LuoYin gave her a thumbs up.
Next she tried on an up-to-the-knee white sundress. When she stepped out Bai LuoYin spun her around and made her giggle like a school girl.
After that, Bai LuoYin passed her another outfit and a hat to complete the look. When she stepped out, he marveled at how gorgeous she looked. She took out her cellphone and snapped a picture together with him.
Next was a silver and white jump suit. She looked even better in it and he smiled as she started enjoying herself.
When she stepped out of the dressing room again, Bai LuoYin had made a video call to Gu Hai so that he could see how much fun they were having.
She twirled around so that Gu Hai could get a better look.
Gu Hai smiled into the camera and gave her a thumbs up. He was glad to see that they were building a healthy friendship.
"Your turn!" Jiang Yifei handed Bai LuoYin some shorts and a button up t-shirt. He gladly took them and went into the dressing room.
From where Gu Hai watched, the little glimpses of flesh that he saw as Bai LuoYin changed sent him over the edge. He almost fainted at his desk from not being able to touch all over that body.
Bai LuoYin playfully teased him by sticking out his tongue. When he stepped out from the dressing room, Jiang Yifei made faces of approval and clapped her hands joyously.
They continued to have fun for the rest of the evening by visiting some other shops. Ice cream, was the last thing they had for the day.
"Thank you so much for this." Jiang Yifei said, taking a seat next to him on a bench.
"You're very welcome." He said, taking a lick of his cone.
"I haven't had so much fun in a long time." She said.
He smiled at her. He wanted to ask if it was because she didn't have any friends to do those kind of things with, but decided better. "Well, I hope our friendship is something we both can learn from. We should try to do new things. We only have one life to live."
Jiang Yifei briefly looked sad, then she quickly covered it up with her smile as she always did. "That is true." She nodded.

Yan Ya Jing watched as Gu Hai hung up his cellphone. After being business partners with him for so long, it was only natural for Gu Hai to tell her about their baby plans and Jiang Yifei. "She seems nice." She said, sitting in the chair across from his desk.
He nodded. "She does seem so."
"How long before the doctor impregnates her?" She asked.
"Next week."
"Are you and Bai LuoYin nervous?"
He nodded.
"I'm sure everything will go well. You two are destined for children." She smiled at him. Her eyes were soft and caring.
"Thank you." He said.
"May the heavens bless you and Bai LuoYin always Gu Hai."
That one statement melted Gu Hai's heart. Yan Ya Jing was truly his best friend. "And thank you for all that you do for me Yan Ya Jing, I may not say this enough, but it's truly appreciated. I will be the first to congratulate you on your wedding day. I'm very happy for you." He said with all sincerity.
Her eyes teared up a bit. This was the first time Gu Hai had ever shown so much emotion towards her. She quickly brushed it away with a wave of her hand and said, "Enough of this, let's get back to work."

Yang Meng helped You Qi study his lines. There was a rewrite in the script and he had a day to learn his new lines.
Over and over they practiced. An hour turned into two hours.
Finally, You Qi pleaded for a break.
"No, you're not getting all the words right! No break until you do!" Yang Meng bossed from across the hotel room.
You Qi frowned and wanted to rebel, but continued anyways.
Again, they practiced. Everytime You Qi messed up, Yang Meng snapped his fingers to stop.
"Wrong, say it over." Yang Meng said, patiently.
You Qi was secretly in awe. All these years of beings friends and this was the first time Yang Meng had helped him with something important. Only this time, Yang Meng was his boyfriend for life.
He stood up from where he sat and made his way closer to Yang Meng, who eyed him suspiciously.
"Where are you going?" Yang Meng questioned.
You Qi sat down beside him and wrapped his arms around him. He snuggled his face in the groove of his neck and inhaled his lungs full. "Thank you." He said.
Yang Meng frowned. "What's gotten into you? If this is a trick to get out of learning your lines, I'm leaving."
You Qi looked up into his eyes. "This isn't a trick, I'll learn my lines. I just wanted to thank you for doing this for me."
Yang Meng's expression softened. "Don't thank me You Qi, for so long you've been there for me. This is the least that I can do. It should be me thanking you!"
That made You Qi happy. He hugged him tighter and then went back to learning his lines.

That night, Jiang Yifei sat at her kitchen table eating a sandwich. She looked around the room. Her pots were old and burnt. She had gotten them at a stall in the local villagers market. They were used, but they got the job done. Her refrigerator was leaking at the bottom and her kitchen windows had broken glass hanging on for dear life.
The tiles looked as if they hadn't been changed by the landlord in years. Her table and chairs were wobbly and peeling badly.
Her mind ran on how beautiful Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai's home was. When she was younger, she dreamed of getting married and having a home of her own. The only thing was, no one wanted to marry a woman who didn't have anything or anyone.
Her dating life had been little to nothing. And the men that did date her only wanted to get into her pants. She dreamed of that perfect life, but as luck had it, that type of lifestyle was never meant for her.
She thought back to her childhood. Even though she never had much, she did have a fun childhood. What little dolls and toys she had gotten had become her best friends. The adults that helped raise her had pure hearts. They were good people, but lacked the ability to develop real emotions or a connection.
She shrugged her shoulders as she took a bite of her food. Maybe the people who helped raised her couldn't build relationships with her because there were too many children to take care of, she thought.
Bai LuoYin had made her have fun today. She smiled at the thought. He was truly a good person. It was rare to find someone who wanted you to be happy rather than themselves.
She rinsed her plate and then went into her bedroom to rummage through her purse. She pulled out what little money she had available and thought for a moment. She wanted to do something nice for Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai.
She looked down at the cash she had in hand and found that it was only enough for a meal.
Her eyes lit up after thinking for a few minutes. She quickly stuffed the money back into her bag and wiggled her feet into her slippers. Then, she went downstairs and out the front gate. A group of men eyed her lustfully as she made her way past them. She made sure to keep her eyes on the ground as she didn't want to provoke them. She turned right and then walked a while until she arrived at the local fruit seller.
"I was just about to close!" A frail looking woman said.
"I'll be quick," Jiang Yifei said, quickly grabbing a few apples and oranges.
The woman gave her an irritated look and put her hands on her waist.
Jiang Yifei knew this woman was always cranky. If it weren't for her stall carrying the freshest fruit in the area and being open the longest, she wouldn't have shopped here.
She handed over the fruit to the owner, who charged her, and bagged the items.
"Thank you." Jiang Yifei said politely and left.
The old woman puckered her lips and grunted a goodbye.
On the way back to her home, Jiang Yifei was in a good mood. She hoped that Bai LuoYin and Gu Hai liked her gift.
Thankfully, as she neared her home, she noticed that the thugs that were hanging out nearby had vanished.

The next day, Yan Ya Jing approached Gu Hai with a packet. It contained papers with thousands of charity organizations that he often donated to throughout the past years. Every year he chose a different one from the list.
She placed it down in front of him and he looked up at her with curious eyes.
"It's the client list for donations. This year, donate to someone who really needs it. Last year I didn't like your selection." She said honestly.
Gu Hai laughed. "The circus needs help also."
She crossed her arms over her chest and gave him serious eyes. "Animals belong in the wild. Not under the control of men who use them to make money. It's like slavery all over again."
Gu Hai nodded. "Now that you say that, you have a point. I knew you were the smartest person to go into business with." He pointed his finger at her and winked.
Yan Ya Jing rolled her eyes and turned on her heels to leave as she said, "Pick something more deserving this time. I won't support the circus again!"
Gu Hai watched her leave and then emptied the contents of the packet onto his desk. After going through quite a few for half an hour, he couldn't make up his mind.
He pushed the file away from him and leaned back in his chair. He tucked his thumb under his chin and thought.
Then his face lit up.
He remembered Jiang Yifei talked about the orphanage. He quickly dug out his phone from his pocket and dialed Dr. Lee.
He asked for the information and wrote it down. This year, he would donate a bigger amount. He leaned back in his chair again with a satisfied smile on his face.
"Thank you, Jiang Yifei." He mumbled.

"Are You Still Addicted?" Book One (Addicted Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang