Hurt (Peter Parker)

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Summary: Y/n gets hurts protecting peter's identity
Also big BIG thank you to _Fanfic_Central_ for allowing me to use one of her plots from her imagine books which btw SHE WRITES THE BEST IMAGINES EVER AND YOU ALL SHOULD ALL FOLLOW HER CUZ SHE'S AMAZING

*listen to the song above when you see the bold*

Warnings: swears and harm

[requests are open]

"Y/N it's alright, you're gonna be okay, just stay awake okay? Just focus on my voice." Peter begged his dying girlfriend

"We need to take her to surgery Mr. Spider, right away." A doctor said

"Y/n I love you." Peter said said kissing y/n's forehead "I love you too." You replied weakly

Y/n's nearly lifeless body into a room to prep for surgery

Peter collapsed into a chair and placed his hands in his head, and began crying "Shit this is all my fault."

*45 minutes ago*

"Well come on I know you know who he is, why don't you just tell me who spiderman is and maybe- just maybe I'll let you go alive." Kraven the hunter said, holding the tip of a knife under y/n's chin.

Y/n was trembling, tied to a chair with tight ropes, shivering from the biting cold of the abandoned warehouse. She was terrified but knew she had to protect Peter.

"Never... I'll nev-" "Hey! I'm the one you want leave her alone!" Peter yelled as he suddenly appeared

Kraven grabbed the chair and turned it towards Peter, "oh well look who it is! The little spider boy."

"You don't want her, just untie her and let her go." Peter pleaded

"Oh spider boy's got himself a little girlfriend?" Kraven laughed "leave her alone." Peter repeated, stepping closer to you

With Peter's step Kraven places the blade at your throat

"Now here's what's gonna happen, either the little missy here tells me who you are and I'll let her go... or she decides to keep her mouth shut and she dies right here right now." Kraven said

"Y/n come on just tell him who I am." Peter begged, careful not to provoke him

You shook your head slightly, "I can't let you get hurt, just tell him okay? It'll be alright." Peter reassured

You shook your head again, "hmm alright then have it your way." Kraven said as he suddenly took the knife and stabbed y/n in the thigh

You screamed as Kraven disappeared into the shadows. Peter gasped as he ran towards you and took off his mask

"Karen call first responders at current location y/n, s-she got stabbed." He said, panicked. "First responders are dispatched" Karen said. As fast as he could, he untied the ropes and held you in his arms

"Your suit, it's gonna be ruined." You mumbled, "don't worry about my suit dum dum, just hold on okay? Helps coming." Peter whispered, trying to stop your thigh from bleeding out.

Sirens could be heard in the distance, "help's close y/n. You're gonna be okay." Peter said, beginning to cry.

"Put your mask back on. No one can know it's you." You said, grabbing the mask next to you. "Really y/n? That's what you're worried about?" He chuckled slightly

"I'd rather die knowing I protected you." You said, weakly pulling the mask over Peter's face.

*starts listening to the song now*

"I'm not gonna let you go, I-I need you. You can't leave me. I can't lose you too,
y/n, just hold on please, only a little bit longer." Peter cried

Suddenly the door opened, paramedics were rushing towards peter and y/n with a gurney.

The paramedics gently took y/n from Peter's arms, strapped her in, and loaded her in the ambulance.

"Can I go with you? Please I'm her boyfriend." Peter asked

The paramedic chuckled, "yeah, no way, you're just a kid, if anything you're probably the reason she's like this." He sneered

Peter looked down ashamed, he knew the paramedic was right, "she wants him with us." The woman paramedic said from inside the ambulance.

The male paramedic grunted and gestured to the ambulance as peter climbed in

"I-I'm here y/n I'm here." Peter whispered grabbing y/n's hand

Paramedics were frantic to stop the bleeding on y/n's thigh as the ambulance rushing to the nearest hospital

"What's her last name? And age." One of the paramedics asked peter.

"Her last name is y/l/n and she's 16." Peter whispered as the paramedic scribbled her information on a paper.

"She's going to be okay, we'll give your girlfriend back to you in one piece." The female paramedic said, knowing that he'd be worried.

The rest of the ride was silent, y/n was still alive, but dying fast. Once at the hospital y/n was rushed inside with Peter following close behind her. She was awake but fading in and out of consciousness

"Y/N it's alright, you're gonna be okay, just stay awake okay? Just focus on my voice." Peter begged his dying girlfriend

"We need to take her to surgery Mr. Spider, right away." A doctor said

"Y/n I love you." Peter said said kissing y/n's forehead "I love you too." You replied weakly

Y/n's nearly lifeless body into a room to prep for surgery

Peter collapsed into a chair and placed his hands in his head, and began crying "Shit this is all my fault."

*1 hour later*

Peter was pacing around the waiting room, still in his suit cover with y/n's blood.

"She's gonna be okay. She has to be okay." He changed over and over again.

"Mr. spider..."

A/n: yeah so I'll write a part 2 soon, I promise. I'M SO SORRY I LEFT IT LIKE THIS I HOPE Y'ALL CAN FORGIVE ME!!

Okay luv ya byeeee!! 💖💖

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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