The Dinner

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Harry spent the next several days alone. He didn't want to have to explain himself to anyone. It was easier this way.

He managed to come to terms with the fact that Draco was really going to give Severus a chance. He would wait until the end of his life for Draco to realize he wanted more. He got up, showered and dressed, and made his way down to the Great Hall. He wasn't going to wallow in self misery any longer.

Throwing the doors open, he waltzed to the Gryffindor table and sat down at the farthest end of the table so he could watch the room. He didn't eat a lot, just enough to stop his stomach from growling. He was more interested in watching the other students. If he wasn't spoken for, then he was going to make every single person in this room swoon for him.

He made eye contact with several girls in the other houses. He winked at a few and even blew a kiss to one in Slytherin. The rest he was simply gazing at, letting them see a sexier, more suave side of him. When his eyes finally rested on Draco, he smirked to himself and dismissed himself from the table. He could feel the eyes of all the girls he had flirted with on him as he sauntered out. It was the last time he would allow himself to be seen by the rest of the student body. He was going to hide himself away in the Gryffindor common room and undergo a complete change.

A month later he took a flask of polyjuice potion with him to Diagon Alley for some new clothes. He didn't want to change his look completely, but he did want something a little different. He picked up new robes, black with dark green trim to show off his eyes. He got his eyes magically corrected at St. Mungo's, had his hair cut and styled so the tips just barely fell over his eyes if he was looking up with his head tilted down. He got his ears pierced and stopped to get some more groceries on the way back to the castle. He had given the kobe steaks from his last attempt to Dumbledore, who enjoyed them immensely, and he planned on having his wonderful steak dinner.

When he got back to the common room, he got his calligraphy set out and wrote another letter.

He strolled into the Great Hall while lunch was in full swing. Everyone turned to stare; they hadn't seen him in so long and now with his new look he was the center of attention. Hedwig flew through the window and soared over everyone to land on Harry's outstretched arm. He smiled and handed her the letter he wrote the night before. He grabbed a celery stick from the Hufflepuff table and watched her glide through the air towards Draco. He watched Draco's eyes widen when the realization hit him that Hedwig was coming to him. Harry watched him take the letter from Hedwig and look back at Harry, his eyes wide with astonishment.

He winked at Draco, smirked and waltzed back out of the doors while munching on his celery stick. Today would be an interesting day.

Draco finished his lunch as fast as possible without bringing attention to himself and hastened out the door. He wanted to read the letter before Severus got done with his lunch. For once, he was thankful that he didn't pay any attention to the students during meals.

He made his way up to the astronomy tower and opened the letter with shaking hands. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous, no one had ever made him nervous before.


I'll be quite frank. You don't seem as happy as you were a month ago. I would be delighted if you would join me for dinner tonight in the kitchens.

With Great Anticipation,


P.S. Wear something nice.

He was left breathless. How could a letter do that to him? Suddenly he was more excited than he had been in a long time. He pocketed the letter, and just in the nick of time.

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