"Peter is not a Sterling in the way you're thinking." He answered, looking me deadly in the eye. "His tie to that family died centuries ago. Peter is a York, not a Sterling."

"That makes no sense Pa, how can you lose tie to your family. You always said that family is blood and you never lose your family." I counteracted not understanding. I had always been told that no matter where you go in life, your family is blood and you can never lose your bond with your family.

"That was over a hundred centuries ago when the Sterling family have lived in our village. When they left a few family members stayed, but never kept in contact killing the Sterling family line in our village. Sterling blood is very thin in Peter, so in my eyes he isn't a Sterling his a York." My father explained. "But what I like to know is who told you such accusations."

Looking down at the ground thinking if I should lie and keep it to myself, but knowing it was wrong to lie to my father at the same time. "Victor Sterling followed me outside the other night. He asked about how you were so forgiving to Peter when he was a Sterling." I looked up giving him a hard stare, "What is it about that family you don't like? They never done anything personally to harm us, why are you so hateful to that family?" 

"Laiya, you're still a child and won't be able to fully understand, why we don't get along with the Sterling family." He answered, giving me the same look back. "Now go back to bed, we're done talking about this."

"No, you haven't even answered any of my questions." I screamed not caring about the other people in the village overhearing me. "I'm not a child anymore. I'll be of age in two days' time. Why can't you just tell me what it is you have been keeping from me?"

"Because that's your grandmother's job. She will tell you everything the night before your birthday. After you talk to her if you have any more questions then I will set down and answer them." He responded in a calmer voice.

"No, I want answers now. I don't want to wait anymore by the time she telling me it will be too late." I yelled, feeling the surge energy expending through me making my body shake. It felt as if it was trying to escape, but I was able to hold it in unlike that other night when it had rupture, freezing everyone in their spots.

"Laiya calm down." Pa said, lifting his hands up now in a surrendering motion, taking a step away from me, as a whimper sound came from my mother. "Maybe it's best you go outside and get some air before you do something you might regret later."

I tipped my head to the side looking at him trying to figure out what made his appearance change all the sudden. The fear that was shining through his eyes made me even more suspicious that something was happening to me that I didn't understand. Whatever was going on inside me, I knew it had something to do with this strange power I was feeling.

Hearing my mother's cries, pulled me away from my father and observing her. She had her hands over her face as her whimpers grew louder and her body shook slightly. Seeing my mother so worked up made me even more confused about what was going on. "Why her? We all thought it was Penelope since she never return that night." I made out in between each sob.

Not giving them a second glaze I ran pass Pa into the night air. Thinking about my mother's assumptions about Penelope made me even more curious about what my family was keeping from me. The more that came out in the open, the more confuse I got.

As I reached the drinking-well in the center of the village I gazed down, the moonlight lit it up giving the water inside a mirror reflecting. Observing down at my reflection made me freeze with the same fear I had seen in my father's eyes. My normal calm blue eyes were now pitch black with the out rim of blue with a white aura around it.

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