Why I think they are still together

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1) this is the main reason but Lili still has all of her sweet posts about Cole still on her insta like "happy Valentine's Day my love" and stuff like that if they were broken up she most likely would've deleted them
2) lili's mom just recently said how much Lili loved Cole
3) they were sitting together on the bus at comic con
4)I saw on insta a convo between someone and someone close to lili saying if something hasn't come out of their mouths you shouldn't believe it
5)I checked and lili's fam they all still follow him and Dylan and Barbra still follow her
6)A lot of those articles are those magazines that you would see in Walmart that are always false
7) I'm sure you've seen all those videos about all the sprousehart moments at comic con
8)If you watch the Enews thing on Snapchat it shows a interview literally showing sprousehart moments like the person doing the interview even thinks the rumors are fake
8) also this is off topic but Cole posted on his insta story a few hours ago "Big update Tomorrow" and I'm scared what he means by that I just rly hope they're still together they're so cute together and not gonna lie I cried a little when I first heard the rumors
9)Also almost every single article said these exact words "keeping their distance from each other" okay that literally does not mean ANYTHING like every event they go to they're always like that because they have a private relationship and they don't like PDA it doesn't mean that they broke up they're just acting professional
10)One of the websites said they broke up after rumors started in January which everyone knows is fake because they went to the five feet apart premiere TOGETHER in March and the Valentine's Day post in February which just proves these sources aren't reliable
11)I saw a video on insta of both of them dancing together at that Warner bros party after comic con (Also if you want proof of these vids let me know and I'll dm them to you on insta)
12)Also im gonna tell you the headline of this very wrong article "Cole sprouse Cheats on Lili Reinhart "I can never trust him again"" it's pretty self explanatory but in case you don't get in we all know that that's not true so their is no need for further explanation
13)Okay so I'm not sure how true this actually is bc their is no proof but Ima say it anyway but I saw a tweet where this girl said "I SAW LILI AND COLE HAND IN HAND ON THE STREET!!! THEY DIDNT BREAK UP!! I KNEW IT YASSS!!" I assume she posted this after rumors started but I really don't know and I don't know if this is true or not I just thought I should let you know so don't @ me
14)THEIR IS NO ACTUAL PROOF TO CONFIRM THEIR BREAK UP it's all "sources close to this person say" or "someone overheard" or "people speculate" or some bs like that like that is not proof at all so just no
15)He was picking at the back of her dress in a interview and in another interview she was picking something out of his hair like even if they did break up and we're trying to be professional you wouldn't just randomly do that so
16)If anything their is more proof that they're together rather than broken up
17)They're literally always like this like at interviews and stuff they generally aren't always together so why start the rumors all of a sudden like what makes this time different than all the others

Ik its their decision either way but if they are broken up I'm still gonna be super sad and probably gonna cry a little like ik I listed all these reasons but I'm still not sure if they broken up or not like I feel like I'm leaning more towards the side of they're still together and I really hope they are still together also it's honestly slowly killing me not knowing if they're together or not like ik they don't have to but I really want them to confirm whatever's happening also I wonder if that thing Cole posted about "big update tomorrow" idk if he's talking abt the rumors comment what you think?? Bc I rly don't know at this point

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