Went from Lie to a Assasination

Start from the beginning

Aaliyah leaves the house and gets to the metting a just on time and Ginuwine walks in wearing suit and tie and leaning up against the wall as Aaliyah walks in Ginuwine licks his lips and loosens his a little

Benny: Aaliyah just in time Lukea's brother will be coming in just a few

Benny gets up to leave and welcome the people in

Ginuwine: You look fine.

Aaliyah: Thank you

Aaliyah said with a attitude

Ginuwine: Whats with the attitude you've been ignoring my calls, texts what's up

Aaliyah: Look I've been busy..okay

Ginuwine: with what

Aaliyah: stuff Elgin and none of that concerns you

Ginuwine: Look I done told you about calling me Elgin my name is Ginuwine

Aaliyah: I don't give a damn what you name is Elgin

Ginuwine just lost it and grabbed Aaliyah by the throat and pushes her up against the wall

I'm sick of her smart mouth


Ginuwine: I'm sick of your smart mouth

Aaliyah couldn't breathe

Ginuwine eventually lets go

Ginuwine: I'm sorry

Aaliyah slaps Ginuwine so hard the impact was loud as hell Ginuwine turns back around

Aaliyah: Don't you ever in your life put your fucking hands on me

Aaliyah walks to the other side and sits on the couch then Benny walks in with Lukea's brother Mateo

Mateo: Lukea was not the smartest nor brightness... But he was family what we want is justice

Benny: were here to clear up any misunderstandings

Mateo: tell me how do you know it wasn't that asshole Walter that did it..those two were always like cats and dogs towards each other

Benny: whoever killed Lukea was not sanctioned by me.. and if it is then I can assure you they will be dealt with immediately

Mateo: So What are you trying to tell me forgive and forget

Ginuwine: he's trying to tell you be careful you point fingers

Benny: anyone could've done this but I can assure you that if it was anyone who is sanctioned by me will be handled with immediately you have my word

Nervous is just half of what I was feeling on the outside I was calm and collected but on the inside I was screaming "I DID IT" and "IT WAS ME" But I swallowed truth and held it in praying that this would be over soon


Mateo: Lets discover another matter..territories  like let's say West End

Ginuwine: Are you outta your goddamn mind

Benny: Gin..let me handle this..our answer stand..we will not be giving away the West End..we came here to discuss Lukea and that's all

Benny and Mateo shake hands and the meeting was over as people hopped into there cars So did Aaliyah as she took a huge exhale

Aaliyah: it's over

Aaliyah drives back to Benny's safe house as a she walks in on Benny and Ginuwine talking

Ginuwine: We need to find out who started this mess and have them eliminated

I have to lie to get them off my back..If I don't I might become of suspect


Aaliyah: Walter..it was always said that they had bad blood so that's a motive

Ginuwine: Yeah but it was just a grudge

Aaliyah: Elgin grudges don't die you know that

Ginuwine's fist balled up but soon relaxed

Aaliyah: besides didn't Walter try to kill him before

Ginuwine: Even If so We need to take them out right away

Aaliyah: no we need to throw them a bone

Ginuwine: that's bullshit..We need to pull out and send them the right message

Aaliyah: If your so worried about sending out the right message then just give Walter to them..Walter hated Lukea you heard him..that just another motive for him to kill Lukea..if anyone would have done it then Walter is the guy..Come Elgin what else proof do you need

Benny: Aaliyah's right Walter would be the only one arrogant enough to pull a shenanigan like this without my blessing..Aaliyah

Aaliyah looks up

Benny: I assume you will take care of him

Aaliyah shakes her head yes

Ginuwine: he jogs everyday at 3:00 like clock work

Aaliyah: done


Gosh why must my lie turn into a assassination


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