Chapter 2

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A/N disclaimer: I am not John Flanagan all rights of awesomeness go to him

I followed the young ranger until we reached Wensly Village. I took the lead from there and walked quickly to a small clump of trees that stood off to one side of the beaten track. I slid underneath one of the lower branches and came out into a small clearing that had been made by some animal months before. My hand then slid into a hollowed out trunk and found what it was searching for. I pulled gently and a small burlap sack was released from the clutches of the tree. I then slung it over my shoulder and headed to where Will stood out on the road. Once he saw me reappear he nodded curtly and melted away into the shadows of the evening sun. I jogged to catch up. Once I located him it was a lot easier not to lose him.

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It was dark when we reached a clearing in the woods where a small little cottage stood with a verandah and a stable attached that made it look very homey. I followed a pace or two behind Will as he mounted the steps and opened the door with a loud creak. As soon as I stepped inside a black and white shape came hurtling across the room only to come to a skidding stop next to my feet.

"This is Ebony," Will informed me as he bent down to ruffle the dogs fur.

I kneeled down and scratched under the dog chin as she licked my chin. I grinned and patted her back once more then stood up. "Your room is over there ,"Will said motioning across the room to a closed door." and if you're wondering I could care less wether you took your shoes off or not"

I nodded and headed over to the door Will had motioned to. I opened the door and noticed that the hinges didn't creak like the other door did. I mentally shrugged and stepped inside the room closing the door behind me. The room was simple yet not to plain. In the center of the room a small bed was placed and next to that was a bed side table that held a vase of wildflowers. I noticed soon after that, that a curtained off area was supposed to hold my clothes and belongings. I slowly unpacked my sack. I had three pairs of extra cloths and a few things that had become essential after I was orphaned. I plopped down tiredly on the bed and fell into a light sleep only to be woken a few minutes later by the soft nock on the door and Will saying it was time for dinner. I groggily stood up and opened the door, I was soon bombarded by the savory smell of a chicken soup. I sat down at the table that Will was already seated at and realized how hungry I was. I began eating hungrily and was soon finished, I glanced up to see that Will was still eating in between sips of coffee. Our eyes met and what I saw surprised me. I had assumed that Will was a typical Ranger guarded and secretive, but in his eyes I saw humor and happiness. I went to bed soon after doing the dishes and helping to clean the counters.

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The next morning I was awoken by the sweet smell of eggs and bacon. I quickly changed into one of my spare clothes and raced out of the room. Will glanced up from what he was doing just long enough to see that I was awake.

"Can you go and collect some water from the river for the day?" Will asked stirring the eggs.

"Yes I can, call me when it's time for breakfast," I threw over my shoulder as I hurried out the door in to the meager morning sunlight. I looked around for a moment until my gaze fell on the bucket next to the massive water basin. A wave of dismay washed over me as I realized that it would take at least 40 buckets of water to fill. I groaned and started my laborious task. About half way through I realized that a bigger bucket would get the task done faster. I soon found a bucket at least twice the size and began with that. Soon I was done and with a bent head and slumped shoulders I plodded inside to be greeted with breakfast in the table. I brightened at that and stuffed myself until I was done, I then drained my cup of water in to long gulps.

"Christina can you help me with some chores around the house, I've noticed that the rug has some dust on it,"

I shrugged and pulled the rug outside where I began to beat it with a broom. Soon I was done, I lifted the rug onto my shoulders and climbed the steps the front door. Once there I used my chin to open the door. I scurried inside and let the rug drop on to the floor where it rolled itself out and lay flat.

"You know the floor might need to be swept.." I groaned inwardly and began to sweep big piles of dirt out on to the verandah and then to the grass where the morning breeze blew it along, farther and farther away.

My morning pretty much like that with Will saying something like 'Have you noticed that the pots seem to have some rust' or 'That's odd, the fire wood is running low' I would then do whatever he asked me to accomplish. once I asked him why I was doing this and he just replied with "I never understood why Halt enjoyed this so much now I understand," that was my first day of training and by the end of it I just slept right through dinner.

A/N Thanks for reading my lovely friends! I will update soon, I promise!

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