~Chapter 3: Crush~

Começar do início

When he first moved here with us he was quiet, he barely spoke a word, and he spent a lot of time in his room drawing. I mean if I was kept under control of a Nazi organization for decades I'd be kinda crazy too. But after a few months, he completely changed, he started “returning to his old self” as Steve would say. Which was a good thing, until he started going out and bring girls back here several nights a week.

God I wanna punch him in his perfect face, but he's a good dude. He's just a playboy, plain and simple. Surely a girl like Olivia would have higher standards right? Im sure he'll leave in  second and Olivia and I can go back to our intelligent conversations. Right?

(my POV)

“Uh well, all of it really. When you have this job, having a wide range helps a lo-,” in the middle of Bruce and I talking. Bucky, the James Buchanan Barnes walks in. “Hey Bruce I was gonna ask you a question, but then I saw this piece of beauty here so excuse me getting caught off guard,” his voice was so smooth and deep, wait did he just call me beautiful? I feel my face heat up the closer he gets to me. He's just as perfect as I imagined, as walks over to where Bruce and I are, the scent of his cologne completely drowning out the crisp lab air.

“Bucky didn't Tony tell you I'd be busy this morning?”Bruce sounds agitated, his brows furrowed in frustration. “Yeah he did actually, but when have I ever been known to listen to Tony?” he laughs, running his metal hand through his long brown hair. “Never..” Bruce groans, rolling his eyes, keeping his gaze away from Bucky. “Buck could you please just go?” he sighs resting his head on his hands. “Aw what's the fun in that? What would me leaving do? Would you two just continuing talking about science and not do anything? The sexual tension in this room in unbelievable, Tony knew what he was doing setting you two up,” he chuckles deeply, crossing his arms over his muscular chest.

“Bucky you heard him, could you please just go..” I was scared for my safety, knowing what would happen if Bruce got much more angry. “Fine..what the lady wants is what I'll do” he sighs in defeat, winking at me before exiting the lab.

“So that's what Bucky is like huh?” I turn to look at Bruce but i don't get a response, seeing his fists balled in frustration. I sit down next to him, rubbing his back “Hey ignore him..what he said doesn't matter okay?” I whisper softly to him, feeling all the muscles in his body relax. “Thanks..” he sighs and shakes his head, plastering a smile on. “So science?”

I cut him off, giggling,“We don't just have to talk about science y'know, I wanna know more about you. Not Dr. Bruce Banner, but about you, Bruce..”
The expression on his face becomes much more natural, “Well there's not much about me to know, I'm really not that interesting” he shrugs, a faint smile still there though. “Oh hush, every person has a story, and I wanna know yours” I stand up, sitting on the table next to him, Bruce still being seated. “Oh..well my dad was an alcoholic, he was extremely abusive towards me and my mom. It got to the point to one night he..he killed my mom and my aunt raised me..” a wave of sadness comes over his face, I couldn't even bare seeing this poor man sad. “Oh my gosh, that's awful, I'm so sorry you were put through that..” my hair instinctively goes to his hair, as that's how I would calm my mom down. I play with his curls, he didn't tell me to stop, or remove his hand. He just let me play with his hair. “Dont apologize, it was a long time ago..” I feel his breath steadying out, I decide not to say anything, he continues talking about talking about his life. God I could hear this man talk for hours, his voice was so soothing, an anxiety I had about being around him was gone.

“Anyways, after I graduated I studied nuclear physics in New Mexico at Desert State University, but then I also studied at Harvard for a time..” his sad expression was soon gone, it made me smile actually. “Seriously? That's really cool!” my smile only got wider, seeing him smile just made everything better. “Mmhmm” he nods and bites his lip gently, damn, he better be careful with that lip bite, he could kill a girl.

“So what about you olivia, what's your story? You heard mine, so it's only fair” he laughs softly, looking up at me. I swear I could get lost in his brown eyes. “Well at a young age the school recognized me as a gifted student, I've always shown an interest in science, soon the state started recognize me and I soon represented the school science program. I'm assuming that's when you and Tony took notice of me”. Bruce nods, moving his chair closer to where I was.“You're correct, well it was more so Tony that it was me,” he chuckles and shaking his head. The longer I sit here and look at him, the more I notice all the flaws this man doesn't have and it's amazing. It looks like he was sculpted by ancient Rome artists, he's just perfect.

“Tony is always finding teenagers to work here isn't he?”. Before Bruce can get a word out a familiar cocky voice comes  from the back. “Yes, Tony is” there he is with his stupid smile, he planned this. “You two love birds have been talking for 3 hours, don't you think it's time you met the rest of the team?” Oh shit, time really flies by when you're having fun. “Get your hand out of Bruce's hair and come on” Tony exaggerates his grown, rolling his eyes very obviously.

“Okay fine!” I whine,getting down from the table, almost tripping and falling over. “Bruce you can come if you want, but your goo goo eyes made all the decisions for you” Tony does his dumb laugh, grabbing my hand and dragging me out of the lab.

“Bye Bruce...” I look back and wave at him, seeing the longing look in his eyes. He just simply waves back. “So I see you and Banner got close? Did I miss anything?” Tony gives me a mischievous grin, it seems as if his plan is going well.

When we get to the edge of the hall, I see the rest of the team sitting on chairs and couches, laughing and talking about who knows what. Steve, Nat, Clint, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda, Vision, no Thor though. Im sure he's probably on Asgard, but out of all the faces Bucky's still stands out, he looks around the room, then his eyes landed on me. His little smile turns into a smirk “Lets give it up for the new girl!” He says it a lot louder than I wanted him to, raising his shot glass. Of course he'd be drinking this early in the day.

Before I know it all the Avengers are looking at me, each of them smiling.
“Hey there new girl, what's your name?” Natasha, walks over to me, clearly seeing the anxiety in my face. “O-olivia..” I gulp, taking a deep breath. God damnit Barnes, are you trying to kill me? I shrug it off and say my name louder. Nat walks me down to the lounge area, sitting me down next to cap.

“Hey there Olivia,” Cap gives me a warm welcoming smile, letting out his hand for me to shake it, i let him grab hold of my hand and damn, that's a firm grip. I continue mingling with the rest of the team, they're all so kind and courteous. Asking me questions and making me feel welcomed. I may not be tall and muscular, but they still make me feel like part of the team.

~time skip to later that night~

After a long day of mingling with avengers, I was obviously tired. They're all so talkative, especially Sam and Tony. After a few hours I went back to my room, going to shower. Then I realized, I haven't seen Bruce since this morning.

When I got out of the shower it was around 11 at night, I decided to walk back to the lab, seeing Bruce in there working on god knows what. I enter the lab, the cold air hitting my face, making me shiver. “Hey Bruce..” I smile and speak quietly, walking over to him, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“Hey..” he looks up from his work, giving me an adorable smile. “I missed having company,” he mutters.

“Well I missed you too Banner, you don't stress me out as much as the rest of the team..” I start to play with his hair again, our bodies practically touching. The butterflies in my stomach start coming back, but I'm trying to stay calm. “Is that so?” he raises an eyebrow and turns to me. “Well why would I lie?” I grin at him, any distress in any of us is gone.

“Well why would I know that?” he rests his hand extremely close to mine, my heart beat getting faster, I'm halfway convinced it'll pump out of my chest. I don't respond, completely losing my train of thought, getting completely lost in his eyes.

I notice warmth come over my hand, looking down to realize it's hand. My heart slows down, the butterflies floating away. Never in a million years would I think I'd be this lucky, but here I am, the dude I've been crushing on since forever, right in front of me. His smile seems so real, so perfect, so beautiful, just like he is. “Well this isn't a lie..” I press a soft gentle kiss onto his cheek, he doesn't resist, he simply just grabs my hand properly. His face completely exuding warmth and comfort. Here I am cheating fate. Getting a chance with the man of my dreams, and I wouldn't have it any other way..

SOS {Writer x Bruce Banner Fic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora