Chapter 2

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For a minute I stand there with my phone still pressed against my ear. I can't believe what I just heard. Did Scott really just say he was at home in London?

"Scott", I say trying to fight back the frustration, "Why on earth are you at home? You know we have practice scheduled today and every other day of this week right?"  For a minute I hear nothing on the other end of the phine line and then Scott finally says....

"Look Tess, I'm really sorry, I know I should be down in Canton but right now my family needs me. I'm sorry I never called or texted you to tell you I couldn't make it" he says apologetically.

"As much as I believe in being there for your family,I also believe in keeping your commitments. Next time you have to tell me when your not going to be at practice okay? And I'll do the same for you" I try to confront him calmly but at this point I'm so fed up with him that I just can't.

"I'm sorry Tess,I promise I will tell you everything." Scott still doesn't sound very awake or sincere.

"Look," I say "Even though you're not here I still have to go on the ice and practice by myself."

"Okay I'll catch you around later." he says.

I shove my phone back into my duffle bag and grab my grey lululemon jacket and head on my way to the ice. 

I look up at the clock and the time now is 6:20am. Then I look over at Meryl and Charlie and they're over in their corner practicing twizzles and lifts. On a normal training day Scott and I would be doing that too. I quickly take off my guards,line them up on the borads and begin to stroke around the ice. After I finish doing a lap of forwards and backwards skating, I head off to find Marina.

"Hey Tessa!" she says with her strong Russian accent." Where's Scott?"

"Oh," I say. "He's not gonna be able to make it today,When I first got here I waited 10 minutes for him and he never came. Then I called him and turns out he's at home in Canada."

"Okay I'll talk with him later. You go start your programme and I'll go call Fedor and see if he can come in for Scott today"

As soon as I hear that name I begin to tense up. Fedor was my ex-boyfriend froms years ago, and seeing him today would not only be awkward but skating with him would just be another story that I dont wan't to tell. I quickly go to the position where Scott and I start our twizzle sequences in our programme and I begin to practice.

The first set was shaky and my free leg decided to have a mind of its own and it just wasn't in control. The next couple of sequences were also shaky as well. Finally I can hear Marina calling me over to the borads.

"Your twizzles, Tessa they're a bit meh" She says making a crunched up face. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know." I reply "I think I'm just so used to Scott being there by my side." 

"Okay." Marina responds, "Don't worry Fedor will be here soon" I nod and smile then quickly head of to continue practicing.

By now Meryl and Charlie are fully into their programme, While I struggle trying to do as much as I can by myself with out a partner. All of a sudden just as I'm about to go into our zig-zag step sequence I hear a voice calling me from the stands.

"Tessa!" Maia yells "Your phone is ringing!"

I quickly smile at Maia to say "Thank You" and then I rush off the ice and dig around in my bag for my phone. When I pull it out I'm just a little shocked to see the caller ID..... It's Scott.

"Scott?" I say tensely "What can I do for you?"

"Oh hey Tess, I just wanted to see how your holding up. Listen I still feel really badly about not being able to make it today." 

"I'm doing fine thanks for asking," I say with little patience "Look right now I need to be practicing.

"Tess! Just wait! Have you gone over all the step sequences and twizzle combinations?" he asks.

"Yes several times. Now I really need to get my butt back on the ice and practice! You know how much the gold medal means to us!"

"Yeah I know I know I'll catch you later!"

"Bye" I say, and I quickly hang up and show my phone into my bag again and head back towards the ice. I just cant believe Scott right now. What is so much more important to him than following his dreams?I take off my gaurds and head back on the ice and begin stroking around again. 

Finally my stroking gets inturuppted by Marina and I can hear her calling me over to where she's standing. As I head over towards her I can see Fedor coming in the doorway with his duffle bag and a huge boquet of red roses.......

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