..Lucille should have known..

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Lucille was my second kill, she was also incredibly easy because I go to school with her.
I was walking down the halls on Friday when I overheard her conversation with her best friend Kayla,  she said that she had "the biggest crush on Alan" and that got my blood boiling.

I asked her to help me with a 'school project' and that she could come to my house to help me with it. She agreed and the two of us walked home together. I told her to wait in my room for me while I got some "things" for the project, I got my lucky frying pan and hit her over the head with it.

I moved her down to my basement which is filled with torture tools. I strapped her on to the chair it's not a wooden chair because wood can break and I dont want that pest to escape. I'm not taking any chances.

When she FINALLY woke up she obviously started to panic like a little bitch as she was kicking, screaming, crying and begging me to let her go. These are the exact words I said to her " Lucille.. Lucille.. Lucille~.. when will you just SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I snapped, she was just so annoying how could anyone stand her?! I had to duct tape her mouth, of course because she was screaming so much her saliva wet the sticky part of the duct tape so it slid straight off and she was screaming again so I had to put a cloth in her mouth.

This was the fun part. I got my favourite knife because she had been so disappointing, I was so angry with her, and my knife hadn't been used for a while only like 3-4 weeks or so, first I cut off her fingers and toes the sound of blood dripping on the floor was heavenly. Her gagging sounds through the cloth were even better, her tears streaming down her face, even better. Then I cut off her left leg the sound of gushing blood was so worth the wait she died 1 minute later from blood loss so I just quickly dismembered her and fed her to my human eating dog, that was the end of Lucille. Lucille should have known not to like or love my senpai because he's


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