meeting frisk and chara

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(sup guys I got a few things to say is that sorry that the updates are slow its because little bro keeps taking the laptop and i also have to update on youtube now with that out of the way lets get to the story)

(this is whispering)

(yelling are being loud or demonic  and this is = voice

and this is thinking)

y/n POV

I woke up and all I see is pitch black darkness 

y/n: what the hell is this place

gaster: you're in the void also know as the author's bedroom 

(a/n: what the hell gaster now i have to fix the wall ink can you pass me the duck tape

ink: hear you go

a/n: thanks ink also error wants your duck

fresh: no swearing dudes

a/n: oh shit got a go 

fresh: get over hey dude

a/n: see you later readers if i live)

y/n: anyway who are you 

gaster: oh my apologies I'm is dr w.d gaster  

y/n: and where am I?

gaster: the void seriously i just said that

y/n: okaaay why am I here

gaster: to be perfectly honest I don't know 

y/n: WAIT AM I DEAD!!!

gaster: no, no you're not dead 

y/n: oh thank god then if I'm not dead then how am I in the void

gaster: only your mind is in the void, not your soul

suddenly he starts to fade

gaster: seems like your waking up

y/n: all right then see you later

I woke up in a red room with two beds suddenly the door bursts open 

???: mom he's up 

???: alright my child I'm coming 

in the doorway, I see two girls one looked the age of12 and the other one the other looked the age of 17but the weird thing is one of the girls was seethrough but also strangely cute 

Frisk: hi I'm Frisk whats your name

y/n: why do you want to know your just gonna abuse me

???: my child why do you think that 

y/n: i don't know I guess I'm used to being abused by everyone on the surface

Toriel: I'm so sorry to hear that but worry not no one will harm you hear my name is Toriel

y/n: fine my name is y/n and whos the other girl behind Frisk

Toriel: my child there no one else here 

y/n: yeah there is the girl in a green and yellow stripe jumper 

charas pov

I was just listening to him he's bin through a lot on the surface I kind of fell bad for him but then he said something that surprised me

y/n: whos the other girl behind Frisk 

whos he talking about the only person behind Frisk is me and I'm invisible to them I was deep in thought until he said this

y/n: yeah the girl in the green and yellow striped jumper

chara: what he can see me!?!?

female chara x male abused readerWhere stories live. Discover now