The Old Chapter 1

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*Flashback* A-N- The hashtags are her brothers name since she forgot his name.

"C'mon #####, you may be 12 and me 5 but you need to have fun!" I excliamed as ##### pouted in the boatwhile we swam. I suddenly heard thunder and I could not catch up. Everybody but me was out of the water. It was too late. A big wave came overtop of me.
"#####!" I screamed. I went under, the motor propeller cutting me as I went past, making a shell shaped scar. I then blacked out.
I woke up on a bed of seaweed. I noticed that I was breathing, UNDER WATER! Where am I? Whats happening? Am I dead? A hooded person then came to me and said she was Mother Nature. She also said I was chosen by herself to be an elemental and the first ever real Siren. It all started here. . .

*Flashback ends*

I sighed as I looked over that memory. I still had the Lycan jacket but it is all faded from the water damage. I now have a tail that is blue fading to the Lycan red. My fangs are sharp but not enough to do damage. Plus, my black hair turned white and my eyes are still the same emotionless black that brother has. Yes, I am also an Utlima, but I don't have my ears and tail.
I wondered about going to the surface to see where I am when I heard a boat. I dove under more and watches it pass slowly. I sighed and went to the surface to watch.
I peeked my eyes and up out so I won't be seen. I suddenly saw a boy with black hair and a girl with black hair get out of the boat, followed by hairs of all colors, they went to their beach house.
When the black-haired girl was about to go in, being the last, I flicked my tail and made it splash, wanting to get her attention. She looked my way and her eyes widened. She said something to the other group then walked my way. She sat on the sand near the shore and looked at me with wonder.
"Hi?" I tried as I poked by whole head out of the water. She seems startled then calmed down.
" Hello! I'm Aphmau! Why are you in the water?" She said then asked at the end.
"I live in the water ever since I was nine." I said with a 'duh' tone of voice.
"Then how old are you now?"
"I am sixteen! My big bro is seven years older and I also had a big sis." I answered truthfully.
"Whats your name?"
"Aqua Azurine Lycan!" I said with cheer. I saw her eyes widen at my last name. Confused, I cocked my head to one side.
"Y-your a Lycan?" She asked.
"Yeah. Is there something wrong?" I asked, my head still cocked.
"One sec, I will be back." She ran off to her beach house. I sunk under so my eyes and up only were shown again.
I saw her talking to the black haired boy and pointed towards the ocean. I couldn't hear them talking, but I know Aphmau was talking about me. I saw the boys eyes widen and he said something to Aphmau. Aphmau headed my way when I went completely under. Its because nervous and scared. I don't know what they are going to do. . .
"Hey come out, its okay up here." Aphau said and I popped up to meet the black haired boy's eye contact. Black eyes staring at each other. Aph continued, "Aaron, this is Aqua. Aqua, Aaron." She cheered. I waved nervously at the boy who same. The name is so familiar though. . .
"Uh, hi?" I said, obviously nervous and confused.
"Hello." Aaron said with the same tone I did.
"Aqua, what was your full name again?" She asked.
"Aqua Azurine Lycan! Why do you ask?" I said/asked. The boy's eyes widened as I said Lycan, like Aph did. I cocked my head as I wondered why his eyes widened.
"Well, Aaron's full name is Aaron Lycan. So you lived in the water since you were nine, right?" Aphmau said, explaining his shocked face.
"Yes. . . I was pulled under by a tidal wave in a storm with my Mom, Dad, Big Bro, and Bigger Sis. I got a scar from the motor propeller. See?" I showed them my shell scar. I also have a 'tattoo', which is on my left shoulder and is the Siren symbol, but I did not show them.
"My sister was named Aqua and the same thing that happened to you happened to her. How are you still alive, anyways?" Aaron said. OH SHOOT!
"Uh. . . you see? I was chosen by Mother Nature and became an elemental and a. . . . . please don't hate me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I-I became a Siren. . ." I said with a mix of nervous and scared. Aaron and Aph's eyes widen as I said what I was. I showed them my symbol ad I sunk into the water, my eyes showing still.
"A-aph?" Aaron said.
"Yeah?" Aph replied.
"Aqua might be my sister. Since she said she became a Siren, it all matches. When my sister was pulled under, the Sirien symbol appeared." Aaron said, deep in the flashback, I can tell.
" Aaron, it may be true. What do you think, Aqua?" Aph said. I rose my head up again.
"It may be. . . But don't tell anybody what I am, okay?" I said, the water rising around my tail to lift me on the sand of the beach. I turned into a human and stood up. I noticed I was wearing my old jeans, a red T-shirt, black combat boots, and the Lycan jacket. My hair stayed the same but it went into a braid that went to my mid-back, since my hair down goes to my waist. A moon necklace landed on my neck.
"What?" I asked. Aphmau and Aaron looked shocked at my magic.
"That was. . . . so cool" Aph said first. Aaron nodded, agreeing with her.
"Thanks! So can I stay with you all? I slept in the water ever since that day." I asked.
"Of course!" Aph cheered in a happy mood.

*Time skip to bed*

As I got ready for bed I heard a girl talking, "She looks like a mix of Travis and Aaron. Its wierd, but cool at the same time." I smiled, my fangs still in. I hid them then jumped into the bed.
I fell asleep after I thought of Aaron. He seemed a lot like my brother, so I believe him.

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