When the alcohol clouding Eve's mind, and apparently erasing her manners, finally cleared, she reached her hand out Mr. James Dean.

"Hi, I'm Eve. Liv and I are roommates."

"Oh, so I'll be seeing a lot of you then," he shot her what can only be called an award-winning smile.

"I guess so," she cheekily smiled back. Mentally, she was cursing herself for sounding so dumb. 'I guess so,' she mocked herself in her head. Not the best first impression, Eve.

Before she could add an addendum to make her sound like less of an idiot, he was grabbing her wrist and pulling them to another room in the frat house.

No one ever really touched her like this. She had been with a guy before, and that was a story for another time. That could never compare to whatever this was. It had been a long time since she felt intimate touch from someone, aside from her family, of course.

She wasn't expecting his touch, and the surprise of it made the feeling of his slightly calloused, but still soft, fingers leave an imprint in her skin.

They approached another room of the house that was equally as trashed as the rest of the place. Eve pitied the people responsible for cleaning the mess the next day. She picked up a cup from the floor and set it on the table next to her. Just for two guys, clearly members of the fraternity based on the Greek letter shirts they were wearing, to sweep everything off of the table and back on the floor.

Just as Eve was about to ask what was going on, she heard, what was clearly male, rumbling from the other side of the room.

"Harry! Hey, man. What's up?" Two tall guys, seemingly the same age as everyone around them, approached Liv's friend and proceeded to pull him into a hug and clap their hands around his back.

"Hey, guys. Jake." he gestured to the taller of the two. "Marc. This is Eve."

"Hi. It's so nice to—" Before she could finish her thought the two of them pulled her into to a hug. She couldn't help but laugh and squeeze them back.

When they released, she turned to find Harry's eyes on her.

Once again, he grabbed her wrist. Not in an aggressive way, but in an intimate way. This time Eve had to know where he was dragging her.

"Where are you taking me? I know you're friends with Liv and all, but don't think that makes us besties or something... It'd still be nice to know what's going on."

"Sh... I'm taking you to a secret bathroom, so we can clean up that mess." He gestured to her skirt.

"Oh... thanks." She awkwardly said. "Wait. What's wrong with the other bathrooms?"

"Trust me. You do not want to go in there. There is no limit to what people will do inside a frat bathroom." Harry shook his shoulders like he was fighting of a chill.

They continued up a flight of stairs. There was another bar station with punch. Eve loosened her arm from Harry's and tugged his shirt sleeve toward the bar.

"Come on, I'm thirsty."

"Haven't you had enough to drink?"

"Not possible." Eve tried to act cool, but Harry just gave her a weird look. Eve moved to the bar.

"One punch please." She smiled.

A guy from the other side of the bar came over.

"Here I got you." He pressed a cup into her hands and gave her a wink.

She couldn't help but laugh at his wink. Why did he do that? She turned to Harry.

"Haha that was kind of weird."

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