Summer Camp

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A/N: Welcome to a new book. This one is for all the Irwin Family/Crocodile Hunter Fans out there. 😊

"Good Morning Robert." Terri said as Robert groggily came down the stairs. "Morning." He mumbled, wiping sleep from his still tired eyes.

He sits at the dining room table and eats his breakfast. His mom goes over the morning schedule for Australia Zoo.

He pulled out his laptop and began doing his schoolwork. "Oh. And in a couple days, you're going to summer camp. So pack on up." Terri said.

"Summer Camp? But what about the zoo?" He asked. Terri laughed. "You're still a kid. Enjoy it. Go out. Have fun. Make some more friends. Have an adventure."

Robert shrugged. "Ok." He said. On the outside, the teen didn't want to seem too excited. But on the inside, he was thrilled.

He was always seeking adventure. Climbing trees, Rock climbing, Hiking. You name it. He loved it all.

Terri could tell he was excited even though he wasn't showing it.

She shook her head and laughed a little as she watched her son go up the stairs once more.

Robert quickly packed for the trip. He was ready. His older sister Bindi thought summer camp was a wonderful idea.

She knew Robert would meet plenty of wonderful people. To keep a close eye on him, however, she decided to sign up to be a camp counselor.

Bindi's boyfriend Chandler also signed up. Though he did it so he could still spend the summer with Bindi. Not to help her watch over Robert; who didn't need watching over in the first place.

However, Bindi is protective of her baby brother.

Summer Camp Where stories live. Discover now