Chapter 2

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Jasmine's pov

I woke up and fessed myself in my modified Slytherin first year robes. I walked out of my room with Frost on my shoulder. It was still relatively eary, so I gazed into the Black Lake. "Ms. Potter, what are you doing up at this hour?" I jumped at Professor Snape's voice. "I'm sorry sir. I wake up this early all the time and thought nothing of it." "I see." I could see hatred in his eyes. "Professor Snape good morning. Ah, an early riser I see." "Yes." As Higgs and Professor Snape conversed, I silently walked away. "Frost, can you bring me my mail please?" She chirped and flew off. I was the only one in the Great Hall, but it felt like someone was watching me. I felt uncomfortable. The teachers started flowing into the Great Hall and sat at the Staff Table. They noticed me and we're surprised. Frost came flying back with the Daily Prophet and a letter. I Fred her a mouse as she perched on my shoulder. I opened the letter and noticed that it was from Gringotts.
"Dear Lady Rosewood. Due to recent events your vaults have been put on lockdown.

I took a piece of parchment out of my things and wrote a response letter.

"Dear Griphook. Thank you for notifying me. If you could please elaborate in your next letter, please let me know if I did something wrong with paperwork and if so, please send the wrongly filled out paperwork with the next letter. May your vaults overflow with gold.
           Jasmine Rosewood"

I gave the letter to Frost. "Straight to Gringotts Frost. Okay?" Sue nipped my finger and I tied the scroll to her leg. She took off as the rest of the school started filing into the Great Hall. Food appeared on the tables when everyone was seated. I ate a slice of toast with blackberry jam and a slice of bacon. Frost arrived woth the owls for the morning letters.
"Dear Miss Rosewood. Your paperwork is in correct order. There was a recent break-in at Gringotts. We sent a letter notifying the occupants of their vault status. May your enimies die at your feet.

I sighed in relief seeing as I had done no wrong doing. I gave Frost a piece of bacon and looked over my time table. I had Potions with Gryffindor first then flying lessons. I started walking to the Potion Lab in the Dungeons and am sat at an empty cauldron. The rest of the class filed into the room and sat in groups of two. There wasn't an extra person for me to work with. Professor Snape walked into the classroom, with his cloak billowing behind him. "In this class there is little foolish wand waving here, most witches and wizards don't consider this real magic. However it is useful to brew potions that keep people from dying. I can teach you to be with the mind, ensnare the senses, and even put a stopper on death." I had my head down taking notes. "Although some of you, feel obligated not to pay attention. Ms. Potter where would you go if i told you to look for a bezoar?" "A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and will save you from most poisons." "What is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" "Monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant, also called aconite." "Ms. Potter, what would I get if I added aspodel and wormwood together?" "Asphodel and wormwood makes a sleeping potion so powerful it is called the Draught of Living Death." "Good. Twenty points to Slytherin." "Thank you and Professor. My sir name is Rosewood. Not Potter." I copied the information down and looked up. "Today's assignment will be a simple Cure Boils potion. You should all be in pairs of two before you start brewing. The instructions are on the board and ingredients are next to my desk. Begin." I sighed. I didn't have a partner. "Is this seat taken?" I looked up and saw a boy with white skin and milk chocolate hair. "No." "Then I will take it. Names Theodore Nott." "Jasmine Rosewood." "Pleasure. Let's start this potion. I'll get the ingredients while you start up the cauldron." "Fine." I lit the flame under the cauldron and Theodore came back with the ingredients. I did the mixing and adding while he did the cutting and measurements. We got along great and finished in no time. It was the perfect color. I flaked it and brought it to Professor Snape's desk. I took out my Potions Through the Ages tome and continued reading where I left off. "Stop. Homework is a three foot essay on the antidotes. Dismissed." I noticed that Theodore wasn't anywhere near me and I walked dejectedly outside. I don't know why I'm feeling lonely. I didn't want any friends, and now I feel like I need them. I don't understand human emotions. Madam Hooch began instructing the class. "Hold your right hand over your broom and say up." "Up." My broom was the first to reach my hand. "Once you have it, kick off the ground hover a fee minutes and touch back down again." I was about to do so, but Neville Longbottom lost control of his broom and was sent flying. My instincts went into overdrive as I flew at breakneck speed and cast a silent follow me charm on my broom. I lept off the broom and caught him, before landing back on my broom. I flew to the ground and set Neville on his feet. The poor bloke fainted. "Ten points to Slytherin for saving a member of an opposing house. Now I better not see one broom in the air while I'm gone, or you'll be kicked out of Hogwart quicker than you can say Quiddich. Madam Hooch levitated Neville to the hospital wing. "Stupid bloke dropped his remembrall. Mine now." I hated theives. "Hand it over Mr. Weasley." "Or what?" "Now." "The Outcast thinks she can tell me what to do. If you want it. Then go get it." He threw the remembrall toward Gryffindor tower. I flew off after it and only saw Professor Snape as I caught it. I flew back down and showed the remembrall. "This belongs to a boy in the hospital wing by the name of Neville Longbottom. May I go return it?" "Yes. Ten points from Slytherin for not listening to the teacher. Twenty points for sticking up for the opposite house. You are now the Slytherin Seeker." I barely processed his words until I was walking inside. "Wait what?!" I thought about what he said all the way to the hospital wing. I saw the medi-witch Madam Pomfrey. "I'm here to see Neville Longbottom?" "Right over there dear." "Thank you." I walked over and handed Neville his remembrall. Try to keep it where you won't lose it. Okay?" I walked out before I got an answer and was called by Marcus Flint. "Rosewood." I turned around and saw him. He was the first guy in the compartment on the Hogwarts Express. "What can I do for you?" "You know how to play Quiddich?" "Sort of." "Higgs will be training you to be the next Seeker." "Okay." "He's outside waiting." I walked outside and saw Higgs seething next to his broom. "Higgs?" "Stupid bitch. You lost me my spot on the Quiddich Team. Even when I was so nice to you this morning. I refuse to train you. Slytherin can bomb the next Quiddich match for all I care." He pushed me to the ground. "I see." My hair changed back to red and my scar was showing. "You refuse to follow Professor Snape's orders just because of a stupid position? Pull your head out of your ass and and drop the ego! It will bring you nothing but suffering!" He went to strick me, and let go of the Snitch in the process. It wasn't magically bound to the area so it would end up flying away. I jumped on the broom next to Higgs and flew off to the Snitch. I caught the thing rather quickly, causing the wings to cut my hand. I winced and flew back down. Professor Snape was there and his eyes widened at my hair color. "Don't let go of the Snitch again if it's not bound to the area." I changed my hair color back to brown and made my skin flawless again. "Professor." I gave him a polite greeting and walked inside the castle.

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1453 words

Jasmine Rosewood Aka Jasmine PotterWhere stories live. Discover now