When I woke up, I got dressed and pack my trunk with all of my things before heading downstairs. I saw a man with shiny black hair talking to Tom. "Severus, one more thing before you go. There a little girl behind ya. Could you take her to the platform please?" The man turned around and looked at me. "Of course Tom. Girl, what is your name?" "Jasmine Rosewood." "Very well. Grab my arm and we'll be off." I knew that he was going to apparate, so I held on for dear life. He apparated to
Platform 9 3/4. "Thank you for the assistance Mr. Severus." "Right. I'll see you in Hogwarts Miss. Rosewood." "See you then Professor." I walked on the train and walked to the very back. I found a compartment that only had one Slytherin who looked like a fourth year. I sat down across from him. He opened his mouth to tell me to leave, but I beat him to the punch. "I know you don't want me here and I could care less. I don't talk to you, you don't to me. Deal." He nodded his head. I pulled out my potions book and continued reading. When I looked up from my book there were six other people in the compartment. All boys and all fourth year. "I assume you are all the Slytherin Quiddich Team?" " What's it to you?!" "Nothing. Just an observation." A busy brown haired girl walked in with a snooty attitude. Before she even opened her mouth I spoke first. "Get lost mudblood." She teared up and ran off. "Do you even know what a mudblood is runt?" "A muggleborn who wants to integrate muggles ways of life into the wizarding world. Regular muggleborns are just wizards or witchs born to muggle with no reason or need to change the wizarding way of life. I myself am a half blood, but just mixing the two worlds is wrong. Muggles should have no knowledge of us even existing." I looked up and saw them staring at me in shock. "What's up with your faces?" "Jasmine Potter." I quickly looked in a mirror and saw my natural red hair and scar present on my forehead. I shifted my features again to my flawless skin tone and chocolate brown hair. "That information does not leave this compartment for now. Understand." They all nodded. "Good. Now I am certain that I'm going to be in Slytherin, so you'll all going to be my allies." "Yes of course. I thought you went missing?" "No, Dumbledore sent me to live with my muggle aunt and uncle with their overly obese child. They tried to physically beat my magic out of me. I escaped one night. That same night I found the Leaky Cauldron and I found out about my lineage." I looked at a silver pocket watch that was passed down in the Potter family. "If you excuse me, I have to get changed." I gathered my school robes and walked out to the ladies changing area. I changed into my robes and started walking back to my compartment. I walked in on the team getting changed. They seemed embarrassed but I simply sat down and continued reading. I looked up when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "What, house do you think you will be in?" "Either Slytherin or Ravenclaw. Gryffindor is full of brave, self obsessed idiots, and Hufflepuff, while great, I'm not gonna end up in that house. We are nearing up on Hogwarts. Is there any information you would like to give me?" "Yeah. In any house you are in, make Slytherin Allies. It will save your ass in the end." "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind." The train stopped by Hogsmead Station. I got off surrounded by my new Slytherin Allies and saw a big man waving over the first years. "Firs' years! Firs' years follow me!" I reluctantly followed Professor Hagrid to a series of boats. "No more than four to a boat!" Everybody already looked paired up, so I was alone in my boat. I was a little bit lonely, but really couldn't do anything about it, so I ignored the feeling. I saw Blaise look at me with a certain sad look. It wasn't exactly pity, but it wasn't smug or snide. The boats stopped moving and we all followed Professor Hagrid into the castle. The Weasley boy was looking through all the people as Professor McGonagall walked inside the Great Hall. "Where's Jasmine Potter?" "Mind your own buiness Weasley. She probably didn't want to stand out." "Shut up Zambini!" I raised my hand. "Are we supposed to refer to each other by last names?" "Shut up stupid bitch!" I flinched a small bit, because Uncle Vernon told me that alot. "Leave her alone Weasley. She was just confused." "Alright students. You may follow me." We followed Professor McGonagall into the Great Hall and she started the sorting. "Ronald Weasley." He walked up and sat on the stool. "Gryffindor!" "Blaise Zambini." "Slytherin!" "Jasmine Potter." I sighed and walked forward. "Professor, my new name is Rosewood. Please refer to as such." I sat down and the hat was placed on my head, it slid down my head and over my eyes. "Ms. Rosewood. Cunning, Ambitious, Ready to learn, Intelligent. Better be, Slytherin!" I stood up and handed Professor McGonagall the Sorting Hat. The Great Hall was silent and everyone was watching me. "Susan Bones." "Hufflepuff!" Everyone snapped out of their staring at me and cheered for Susan. I sat down near the Slytherin Quiddich Team, and watched with little interest as the last few people got sorted. Dumbledore stood up, said a few unimportant words and announced the beginning of the feast. I placed half a baked potato, a roll, some roast beef, gravy, and pumpkin juice in front of me. I ate my food and ate my favorite confectionery for dessert; treacle tart. "Prefects, show the first years to the house dormitories." Frost flew down from the ceiling and perched on my shoulder. "Hello Frost." She nipped at my ear in a way of showing affection. I caught the gaze of Dumbledore looking at Frost with greed. Then Professor snape. He showed a look of subtle confusion and dislike. I paid no mind to it and continued the trek to the Slytherin Common Room. "Alright. Professor Snape, our Head of House would like to say a few words." The Head Boy stepped aside. "Slytherin is viewed as the evil house of Hogwarts. Do not pick fights with each other, if you have a dispute, settle it in the common room or get me. Do not get into physical altercations with the other houses. If they start something do not fight them. Keep them at bay until a teacher investigates the noise. Go beyond what is needed and earn as many house points as possible. Do not fail to study for any of your classes. Flint, inform the first years about sleeping arrangements." "Yes sir. Boys sleep in room of four to the left. Girls sleep in rooms of two to the right. Pick your sleeping partner and get situated. I looked around, but it seemed like all the girls had a sleeping partner. I'm always alone. I picked up my trunk and met Professor Snape's eyes. I gave a small sad smile and trudged to an empty room on the right side. I unpacked my things and started reading an advanced transfiguration textbook. After I finished I started to transfigure an old lamp in the room into a stylish perch for Frost. It had five different perches of different heights and it was bejeweled with light blue crystals that matched Frost's feathers. I set up powerful magical wards to keep any and all out and went to sleep.

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