I was engrossed in the story reading the words ever so carefully and although only being ten understand it all the pain, the emotion everything.

"And what are you doing lil birdie?" I shot my head up dropping the book from my grasp my dad stood in front of me hair messy, a plain black tee and grey sweats clung to him "n-nothing" I stuttered he tilted his head before walking over to me lifting me taking a seat and placing me on his lap "now now harp you know you can tell me anything" he said looking deep into my eyes I hesitated before speaking up "i want to know why, why mom would just throw me away like that" my voice cracked his eyes softened and he gently rubbed mu back "she didn't throw you away harp, things were too hard for her she was just sixteen and completely alone i had left her even though its the last thing i wanted to ever do" pain flashed his eyes as he looked down and I realized that he would never forgive himself "it wasn't her fault harper it was mine" he said meeting my eyes again "its like a bird with a broken wing and you helping it get back to normal mending it, fixing it but you let it fly too early and leave it. its wing not fully repaired, i did that to you're mom i fixed her but then i broke her all over again" tears fell down my cheeks which he wiped away a sad smile on his face "she told herself you wouldn't need her, she let herself believe she couldn't raise someone to be strong when she wasn't but what your mother never realized was she was strong she was so very strong just very very broken too" he explained i nodded. I really didn't understand how someone strong could be broken but I didn't need to understand it i just needed to know that it could happen

"harper you have to know that sad people can be strong too,you didn't always have to talk to be heard, the ones who put you down are just doing it because they're unhappy, the quietest people could be the loudest and someone broken could be fixed"
I rushed out of class after doing some extra work crashing into people and mumbling sorry "watch it idiot" one girl snapped at me as I accidentally bumped into her "sorry Cynthia!" I exclaimed rushing into the cafeteria and squealing when I noticed the line wasn't too long i slid in rearing closer to the muffins as they decreased in number i did the math in my head and if i was correct i would get the last one. I finally was first and as to my calculations one chocolate muffin sat on the side i went to reach for it only for someone to snatch it from my fingertips "hey!" I snapped i looked to who had the cupcake in hand and was scoffing it down slightly cowering away as i saw travis lee "what was that leblangel?" He said lowly crumbs flying out his mouth then chuckled barging past me "thats what I thought nerd" he mumbled walking away I regained my balance closing my eyes and thinking back to my dads words 'he's just unhappy' i told myself taking a deep breath, opening my eyes and scanning the room.

My eyes landed on a boy I hadn't seen before sat alone at a table so i took it as a chance to introduce myself. My bright bubbly personality radiating off of me as i walked-no skipped towards the boy a wide smile on my face, i slid into the seat opposite him observing the way his eyes only flicked up to mine for a second a ocean blue paradise in them. I looked to his lunch box it was plain a light grey shade, a sandwich clasped tightly in his hand peanut-butter oozing from the sides and a small bite taken from it, my smile had faulted but risen again as i realised i liked him, he was different .

Sitting up straight i stuck my hand out "im harper, harper angel" i announced with confidence his bowed head raised as he stayed silent his eyes speaking for him "what's your name?" I continued, he shrugged, his cheeks flushing "you dont know your name? My little brother does that sometimes but hes only young so its normal my mommy says, he do-" i rambled on like i always do, slapping a hand over my mouth "im sorry im rambling Lindsey told me to stop doing that if i wanted to still be her friend, me and lindsey used to be besties but then she met Cynthia and she started being really mean to me-OH CHICKEN NUGGETS im doing it again" I exclaimed hands flying in the air.

The boys lips had tugged into a smile as he held back laughing at me i noticed this and soon burst out laughing the boy joining "anyway what is your name?" I asked curiously after our laughter died down. The boy shuffled around taking out a pen and paper and scribbling down on it he slid it across to me 'alex' was wrote down in rough handwriting "alex huh? Nice i like it. Where are you from?" I asked he wrote down again sliding it across 'london:)' was sprawled across the paper "london? oh wow that's awesome do you like tea? I mean of course you do you're british ' i love tea' that was horrible wasn't it? Can you say something for me I really want to hear your accent?" I mimicked a british accent failing miserably my cheeks flushing red before i quickly recovered returning back to the questions he shook his head "why not? Can you not speak or something" i chuckled then looked at the boy who stared down at his hands twiddling his thumbs "oh" i sighed "you're mute" I frowned before smiling again "thats cool" i chirp once again remembering my dads words from yesterday

'and in your moms case someone mute could be unmute'

If any of you have any questions that were covered in these last two chapters feel free to comment and i'll be sure to answer them :)

I hope you enjoyed something a lil different from this chapter and overall i hope you enjoyed this whole series of mute, I will not be making another book based around mute and unmute however the support has been amazing so once again thank you <3

{unedited feel free to correct any of my mistakes!}

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