"I'm assuming you know what this will be about judging by your expression," I groaned knowing what was coming next. " it's about time you got engaged my dear." so many times I've managed to escape being tied down to a marriage by my mother, but I don't disagree with her. for a royal heir, love Is always the last factor when considering marriage, especially as the crown prince. just like my mother and father. their marriage was not from love, but over time they did grow to love each other dearly. 

" Three weeks from now there will be a ball for many young ladies who are coming of age. It seems to be quite a good generation of girls, four of the six greatest houses, daughters will be débuting there. Besides that,  Lady Haki of house Arleon who will also be attending and well... the De Morée house has no daughter." Mother sighs. 

"it would have been perfect if they did but, poor Francis. I can hardly imagine the suffering of loosing a child and wife would have been like." She shook her head. It was tragic what happened to them. They have been out greatest allies for generations and our families have always been close. Duke Francis was my late fathers childhood friend and then right-hand man when he ascended the throne. My mother and lady Belle also enjoyed each others company. They fell pregnant at a similar time, so the two often visited each other. And then there was Percival and I. we were great friends. His father would always bring him to the castle, we were raised together like brothers. But then the duchess died. She suddenly fell ill and left the capital. Months later, news came back that she died from a tumour. the whole country grieved the loss of such an amazing woman. Fourteen years later, Percival was killed. I was with him. We were heading up north to do some checkups and on our way back, he was shot with a poisoned arrow. I lost my greatest friend, my brother. 

" Very well, I understand mother. I cannot guarantee I will find a lady so fast, but I will look." I break the silence. I could tell she was thinking similar to I. she looks back up at me and smiles. 

"very well then, that's all I needed to say right now. I best not be taking away to much of your time, you came here to inspect how things are right? you can leave first, I'll see you tonight at dinner." we both rise and mother walks back to her desk. I bow and exit the room.

time skip

two weeks have past and I am preparing to go back to the palace in Wistal. I bid my farewells to mother and head to the carriage waiting for me. I heard the palace is busy preparing for the upcoming ball, it will be held in five days time. The début ball is held only once a year in the palace. It's where the aristocrats flaunt their daughters like a peacock does its feathers, hoping a man with a higher status would show an interest. I've never really attended one before. I dislike balls and especially ones that involve match-making. Resting inside of the carriage I think about what lies ahead of me when I return home. The thought of courting a lady makes me sigh. 

Francis POV:

I throw my pen onto the desk and lean back in my chair. I have to say, you could have the best chair in the kingdom but it would still be uncomfortable if you had to sit in it as long as I do. Don't get me wrong I don't hate my job but it sure is a drag when you have mountains of paperwork to do. Its even worse now that prince Izana isn't here. I bang my head on the desk and sigh. 

"Hurry up prince Izana. if you don't get back soon I think I'll die." a maid comes in and places some tea in front of me. 

" Thank you my lovely, a nice cup of tea is just what I needed." I hummed as I took a sip from the cup.

"Also," the young girl stopped in her tracks.  

"Yes, your Grace? She looked at me with inquisitive eyes. 

" Make a reservation from me and my daughter to attend the upcoming début ball. She hasn't made any friends here yet so I think it's important for her to go." The maid looked awfully puzzled. Perhaps it was a bit mean of me to mess with her like that but I believe she will be good at spreading this little secret around.

"Daughter, you grace?" her face was flustered as if she thought she misheard. I cough. 

"Yes, she has been attending a private school in a distant country for many years now. I haven't mentioned anything to anyone yet as I didn't want to risk any assassination attempts on my daughter at such a young age." I place the finished cup of tea back down on my desk and signal the girl to come collect it. 

"Very well I understand...my lord."  she was hesitant but I could see the fire that was lit in her eyes. seems you've got quite the gossip to tell. I smile and wave as leaves the room. I slam my hands down on the table and get up. 

"Seems I'll throw the castle into a bit of a fit, dropping news like this." I hum at my achievement. I must say, I can't wait to see dear Anna this evening, it's been far too long. I'll give her a nice big hug and oh I'll spoil her rotten with glamorous presents! I grab my coat that was sitting on the side of my desk. 

"Come Benji, we will go into town and find all sorts of goodies to give to my precious Anastasia." I signal for my aide to follow me. I open the door to the main hall and I feel the eyes of every person fall on me. 

"My Duke, is it true...do you really have a daughter?" a young noble walks over to me. I can see everyones waiting for my response. I smile cheekily. 

"Indeed, she will be arriving home this afternoon!" I excused myself after that comment and left promptly, I'd like to avoid answering any questions, i'll just let their imaginations run wild. The loud chatter that burst the moment I made my exit caused me to chuckle to myself. 

"Things are going to get quite interesting it seems." 


hey guys! hope you've all enjoyed this series so far! I might try and pump out another chapter but after that I'll try and have a schedule on when to post. just wanna get the story running a bit first :p 

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