Chapter Two: Married Life

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"I don't need someone telling me how to run my sons life, or my life!" Olivia was sat in the principals office Noah had got into a fight today, which wasn't like him. "Look Mrs Stabler, Noah won't tell us what happened and i don't want him at this school if he's not willing to own up to what he did". Olivia sighed. "Look he's a child not a convicted criminal, yes he's old enough to understand, but you have to understand that with his condition, not that it's an excuse he get's like this sometimes". "Mrs Stabler i'm very aware of his ADHD...may i ask if he took his medication today?" Olivia frowned and looked at Noah then back at the principal. "Well of course he did" "Your sure about that are you?" Olivia looked over at Noah who still had his head down and he was playing with his fingers. "Noah, sweetie after i left for work did daddy not give you your medicine today?" He didn't answer and just kept playing with his fingers. "Noah?....Noah!" "No! Mommy he didn't!" He said as he sat up for a second and then went back to playing with his fingers . Olivia sighed and rubbed her forehead. "Okay look, why don't we give Noah a break and have him take a couple  of days off school just so he can come back refreshed" Olivia really didn't agree with this she really didn't want this to happen as there would be no one there most of the time to look after him and the precinct isn't exactly the place for kids, but she had no choice. "Y-yeah that's fine, come on Noah lets go home" She shook the principals hand and then walked out the room with Noah. 

"Mommy i am sorry.... i didn't mean to hit Henry but he just got me so mad" Olivia sighed "I know baby, but you have got to remember to also take your medication, it's so important because otherwise things like this....." Olivia stopped in her tracks as she noticed William Lewis hanging around outside a school, luckily he didn't notice her. Something about that guy made her feel uneasy. He then walked off. "Mommy, who was that?" Olivia looked in her mirror. "Oh no one sweetie, right" She took Noah's hand. "How about i treat you to some McDonald's?" Noah's eyes lit up and Olivia giggled. 

Olivia had dropped Noah off at Lucy's just until she was able to get home from work. She had enough to worry about today and Elliot not giving Noah his medication just made things difficult for her. She didn't want to start an argument with him, they had never been like this before ever. As she walked into the squad room she saw Elliot and Amanda talking with Steffi at Elliot's desk. She headed towards her office. "Detective Stabler can you come to my office please". Steffi and Amanda looked at him and smirked. "She only calls me that when i'm in trouble" they looked at each and giggled. Elliot nervously went up to Olivia's office. 

"Nah Fin i don't know how she'd react to that, her life has been all about this job shes built a life here..." Carisi took a sip of his coffee. "Look Carisi i may not have known you long and i'm not gonna lie to you what ever happens between you and Steffi, is between you guys maybe when she was 16 when we all first met her before you and Rollins arrived it would have been different but now things have changed. She was in even scared when she had her eldest Chris, nah actually she was terrified, the thought of being fresh out the academy and having a new born baby was stressful because she thought they would think less of her and that she was weak. Before you had met Steffi she wasn't this strong willed person you know now, she came from a broken home she was raped by her uncle just so he could get back at his dead sister" Carisi looked her confused. "She never told me this" Fin raised an eyebrow "What do you mean she never told you this?" Carisi downed the last bit of his coffee. "I mean...this is the first i'm hearing of this" Finn looked at him and rubbed his forehead. "Well she should have told you, your her husband but it's not my place to say anything more" Carisi frowned and took his phone out, on the wallpaper was a selfie of him and Steffi with Serena. "I just don't get why she didn't say anything about it.....i love her man" Fin reached over and put his hand on Carisi's shoulder. "I know man, i know"

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