❚ first page: new beginning

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" Welcome to a new beginning, come here and enjoy the land of nctzens"

" Welcome to a new beginning, come here and enjoy the land of nctzens"

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Warning this book may contain:
curse/bad words
smutty content
mention of self-harm, depression and suicide.
lowercase (enthusiast)


I don't own anything only the storyline. Any name of persons,locations or products used in this book aren't mine, some of them may be created by me but most of them are real life products, locations or person names.
All rights reserved.
PLEASE! do not repost,
re-edit or make a second part of this book's imagines without the authors permission, ask before you post the second/third part of one of this book's imagines! And if my work inspires you to write a ff or anything related to a fictional story please tag me so i can read the book. Thank you for understanding!

copyright| ©godseonghwa. (2019)

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