daddy 👅🥵💞:

sluttybananaboy: do you stiLL think i'm a stalker

daddy 👅🥵💞:

daddy 👅🥵💞:

sluttybananaboy: i will masturbate to this every night until you do-

daddy 👅🥵💞:

sluttybananaboy: well i'm gonna do it regardless but- 🤠

daddy 👅🥵💞:
my name

daddy 👅🥵💞:

sluttybananaboy: *drumroll*

daddy 👅🥵💞:

sluttybananaboy: you're telling me

sluttybananaboy: that this boy

sluttybananaboy: thiS BOY


sluttybananaboy: (more terribly drawn hearts)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

sluttybananaboy: (more terribly drawn hearts)

sluttybananaboy: is named

sluttybananaboy: CARL

sluttybananaboy: nah bitch i don't buy it

daddy 👅🥵💞:

daddy 👅🥵💞:

sluttybananaboy: benji?

daddy 👅🥵💞:
that's my name

sluttybananaboy: i like it

daddy 👅🥵💞:
wait really??

sluttybananaboy: yeah, it suits you

daddy 👅🥵💞:
oh well thank you :)

sluttybananaboy: i mean

sluttybananaboy: who wouldn't want a cool ass name like ✨benji ✨

sluttybananaboy: aH ur so perfect i love it

daddy 👅🥵💞 typing...

daddy 👅🥵💞 stopped typing

daddy 👅🥵💞:
lol thanks dude 👌

sluttybananaboy: 👈

daddy 👅🥵💞:
oh my goD

• • •

Jorge laughed at the message and began typing again when he heard the slurred words of his dad from downstairs.

"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND GET ME A BEER," pig, Jorge thought bitterly. He hurriedly ran down the stairs and into the dim lit kitchen, opening a can of Bud light as the awful stench of alcohol filled his nose.

He shuffled into the living room where his father sat in their lazy boy, grease stains on his wife beater and hair falling in front of his darkened eyes— obviously drunk— and obviously pissed.

Jorge's face fell instantly.

"The hell took you so long," he grunted.

"I... I was just texting a friend," Jorge responded, trying his best not to show the nervousness and fear in his throat. His dad snickered.

"One of your fag friends?"

Jorge didn't laugh. He didn't smile. He didn't dare move an inch. He knew better. His father's laughter died into that God awful sneer as he turned to look at him.

"What's that shit on your face," he growled. Jorge swallowed, my parents would disown me if I ever wore makeup. He laughed at that at first, Benji's comment about his makeup. Because he knew he was joking. He knew Benji could probably wear makeup around his parents and they wouldn't give a shit. They wouldn't question it. They wouldn't care. And Jorge forgot for a second that his dad did. That his dad got pissed. Angry. Hostile.

"N-nothing," Jorge croaked. His dad leaned forward slowly, the beat up lazy boy creaking eerily, his large hands balling into large fists.

He took the beer. Jorge flinched.

"Wash it off."

Tears were falling down Jorge's face now, steady streams washing the butterfly and flower off his face. He nodded obediently and left the living room, terrified.

1 new notification
daddy👅🥵💞 sent you a message!

But he smiled now, through tears and smudged makeup,

change name?






✅ | ❌


i'm sorry guys, i didn't want to do this to jorge :((

loco | benjey Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora