Scoops Ahoy || Chapter 2

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Lucas didn't say anything more about it and just nodded, but I could easily tell that he don't believe what I just told him. I still sigh quietly and we both let it go. We heard Dustin mentioning his new girlfriend he met at camp, Suzie. No one believed him, and always said he made up Suzie just so he wouldn't feel all alone with not having a partner. If he only knew..

"I promise, Max! She exists!"

He said, sounding a bit mad. I laughed, together with Lucas and Max. I could hear Eleven giggle in the back, but Mike was unusually quiet.

"Oh, come on Dustin, you've tried to reach her for days without succeeding, is she really THAT busy?"

"Oh, come on Max, I would know if she's fake wouldn't I?"

Dustin fired back, which made Max laugh like crazy, and it made Dustin happier as well.


We all walked up to Scoops Ahoy, after spending a lot of time inside the Mall. To everyone's happiness, our new friend, Steve Harrington, worked today. He was a few years older than us and used to be Nancy's boyfriend before they broke up, and after that Nancy got together with my brother, Jonathan.

We got into Scoops Ahoy, and when Steve realized it was us, he got very happy. He hugged everyone off us and asked loads of questions, he even asked me how I felt after The Upside Down, but in a low voice so that no one else would hear, and his co-worker, Robin Buckley, looked at him like he was stupid. She maybe wasn't right, but she was close enough.

"Hey, Steve, how many kids do you know, exactly?"

She said and laughed at him. Steve smiled a sarcastic smile towards Robin, which made her laugh even more than before. Steve just turned towards us and started to talk with us again.

"So, this is Robin, and.."

"I'm Mike"

"I'm Will"

"I'm Dustin"

"I'm Lucas"

" I'm Max"

" I'm Jane, but everyone says Eleven"

Eleven said lastly and Robin looked at her like she was stupid. Everyone looked at Eleven, scared that she might say something more that Robin shouldn't now.

"Long story"

I said, and hoped Robin wouldn't ask any questions, but we weren't that lucky.

"But if her name is Jane.. why is her nickname Eleven?"

"It was just something I came up with, because.. she used to be very quiet before due to personal reasons, and I realize now afterwards it wasn't the best I ever came up with.."

Mike said, and I looked at him in relief. Everyone else did as well and Robin looked like she was in a some kind of bad child's book.


Was her only answer and Steve walked up behind the counter again. He took our ice cream orders and started to scoop our ice creams. After everyone paying we went to sit down at a table near the counter.

And here's a new chapter, yet again. I really hope you'll like this story, and that my grammar isn't too bad.

// Potterstrio

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