Chapter 1

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My name is Skylar London, I'm on my way from one assignment to another one in Monte Carlo. My boss said to dress properly, because he would like me to meet someone. Just as I was nodding off my cell phone woke me.

Recognizing my boss's number on the phone I said, "Hello, Mr. Stone," while reaching for my lipstick as it was rolling across the floor. I finally nabbed the run-away container.

"Where are you?" came the raspy voice. Mr. Stone is a retired assassin from the CIA. After retiring he built his own business and hired independent people like me right out of high school to train.

"About an hour away from Monte Carlo. Why?" Before Mr. Stone began to talk I thought, "This must be serious."

"There's been a change of plans."

"Oh! Where do you want to meet?" I asked seriously. Applying my rose red lipstick.

"At one of the safe houses a few miles away. I'll text you the directions," Mr. Stone stated gravely.

"Ok, I'll see you there." I answered checking my freshly applied lipstick.

"Skylar, make sure you aren't followed; this secret mission is very dangerous."

"Don't worry about me, Mr. Stone. They don't call me the best for nothing! See you in an hour."

Just as I hung up the phone, I caught a glimpse of a white, lifted Chevy truck in my rearview mirror. I discretely turned off the main road. I had to loose this stalker before I reached my destination. This was tremendously important. I increased my speed to 95 mph and turned a hard left. This person could drive! It had to be a guy. He's definitely had experience with people who could drive like me. In my 3 years of being an assassin and ranking at the top of my classes when it came to driving, I was having a teeny bit of trouble loosing this truck. I pushed the accelerator to a whopping 150 mph and headed for the clearing of the forest. I turned right, turned off my headlights, and parked the truck. I waited ten to fifteen minutes, holding my breath. "Whew! I lost whoever that was!" I whispered to myself.

I waited a couple more minutes, started the truck, and pulled out slowly. Once I felt safe enough from being followed, I turned my lights back on and eased back toward the safe house. I glanced at the clock on the dash and realized I was fifteen minutes late. The boss expected punctuality. It would take me at least another twenty minutes to get there. Once I was at the safe house, Mr. Stone came barreling out.

"Where have you been? Did you run into trouble?" Mr. Stone asked, huffing.

"It was nothing I couldn't handle." I said. Taking off my black sweatshirt to reveal a dark grey tank top. "Hey, I said confused, looking at the driveway where a white Chevy was parked. "Whose Chevy is that?"

"Oh, that, well, we'll talk about it when we're inside."

I looked at him confused and trailed behind. That's when I saw him – He was tall, dark, lean, and had tons of muscle. He possessed shaggy black hair curled behind his ears, and the deepest blue eyes that I had ever seen. They reminded me of a clear pristine ocean. When our eyes collided I immediately felt a connection; not one word was said.

Finally, Mr. Stone began, "As you can see, this is the person in the Chevy you asked about. He is here as your partner for the next mission."

"Are you sure this is the right guy? I mean, I thought I lost you in the forest?" Skylar contemplated, staring at him with narrowed eyes.

"Hello. I'm Clayton Black and yes, I'm your partner, but no you didn't lose me in the forest. I took a short way here," he stated belligerently with a bored expression.

Skylar gaped at him. He had a deep, husky French accent, which sounded incredibly handsome.

"Are you serious?" I said in a raised voice. "I thought you were some creep trailing me. I wasted my time trying to lose you." I quickly turned and faced Mr. Stone. "Why didn't you tell me that Black would be following me here? It would've saved me a lot of trouble!!!

"YOU! Black!" I yelled angrily, striding up to him. "Why didn't you pass me if you knew it was me?"

"I just wanted to mess with you. By the way, that was some awesome driving skills. I was extremely impressed," Black said, smirking and laughing.

"Argh!!! I'm done for the night, Mr. Stone. I'll talk to you in the morning after I get some much needed sleep."

"YOU!" I said to Black. "Don't EVER tail me again. If you do, you will pay dearly, buddy." I stomped disgustingly up the stairs. On my way to the bedroom I could hear his sweet voice laughing. I already disliked him. I slammed the door and went soundly asleep on the bed.

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