"Shift?" Alice frowned. "What does-"

"Snog," Lynn answered. "Means snog."

"How good was the peck?" Marlene smirked at her double meaning. Lily whacked her arm at her crassness.

"Like one you'd give to your granny on the cheek, Marls," she groaned, placing her head in her hands. "They just won't let me be alone with him."

Marlene and Alice sent each other excited grins. "Maybe they're trying to stop you on purpose," Alice squealed at the thought. Lily shook her head at the other two, knowing where it was going.

"The plot thickens," Marlene grinned almost evilly.

"What?" The look on Marlene's face was too disturbing for Lynn to even look at. "Why?"

"Sirius," all three girls chimed, (though Lily with more of an exasperated sigh, tired of the other two's theories) glancing around for any eavesdroppers.

"Sirius?" Lynn questioned sharply. "You're not seriously going to bring this up again." She mentally scolded herself for the intentional pun.

"He's jealous," Marlene began. "So he's trying to ruin your chances with Wood."

"It would look suspicious if he did it alone," Alice added. It was clear that both girls had already discussed Sirius's behaviour in depth. "So he's recruited James and Peter into his plan."

"Remus wouldn't help, of course," Lily said, speaking up for the first time since they'd sat down, if only to defend the only Marauder she actually liked. "He'd respect your personal space too much."

"You three are insane," Lynn scoffed, taking a small bite of toast. "They just aren't used to me spending time with someone else. They're helpless without me."

The girls began to argue, adamant that it was Sirius behind the interruptions, but soon they were all distracted by the entrance of the boy in question. Sirius plonked himself down beside Lynn, slipping the fried eggs from Lynn's untouched plate and onto his own.

"Hey! You can't just take that off someone else's plate!" Marlene scolded him like a toddler. "You're an animal, Black."

"Lynn doesn't like fried eggs," Sirius shrugged, shutting Marlene up. "She only likes them poached or scrambled. No point wasting them."

Alice and Marlene sent each other shocked looks, before smirking identically.

"You two better stop that," Lynn warned them under her breath, grabbing the coffee pot and an empty cup as Remus settled down opposite her with a wince.

"Stop what?" they both chimed, innocence feigned on both their faces.

"So, when are you meeting up with Wood?" Sirius asked between mouthfuls.

"12. When are you meeting up with Grace?" Lynn asked, glancing towards the Hufflepuff table where she could see the group of fifth year girls giggling together. She grabbed the sugar pot in front of Sirius and dumped an unhealthy amount of it into the steaming mug.

"12," Sirius replied. "Apparently we're going to Madam Puddifoot's."

Lynn began to snicker. "Shite one."

"What?" Sirius huffed "It's romantic, or so I've been told."

"It's a nightmare," Lynn cackled. "Fully pink, smells like you're in a sugar jar and you leave with at least some part of you covered in glitter."

"Come on Moony back me up. It doesn't look too bad, does it?"

"If I agreed with you Pads, we'd both be wrong," Remus said quietly. A new scar was added to a worryingly growing collection, a deep line just above his eyebrow. With the full moon being just a few days ago, exhaustion seemed to weigh him down.

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