'Official' means back the fuck off.

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Kuroo's favorite past time was to push buttons and boy was he good at getting people heated. The teen usually kept to light-hearted provocations, but a third-year boy who didn't seem to understand that you didn't want to talk to him "later after school" was deeply irritating. He just wanted to casually stroll by your classroom to check on you without you noticing; occasionally intimidating other people seemed to be a small plus since you had a few eyesores that refused to leave you be.

"It'll be really quick, I promise ______-san!" You didn't notice that Kuroo practically teleports to your side as his hand is quick to yank away your admirer's looming grasp. You finally notice the mischievous cat beside your desk before you turn your head to look at the third-year named Kenta in the eye — Kuroo seems about ready to tear his ass a new hole.

"Uh, I think you should just go Kenta. You're clearly not wanted by anyone here." You never heard harsh words come from your own lips, but you merely spoke the truth.

During the uncomfortable silence between your "suitor" and boyfriend, you move your hand to gently pat the poor guy who froze up in shock under Kuroo's tight grip. The sensation of your touch was enough to get Kenta moving as you watched your fellow classmate high-tail it out of the classroom with his bag waving wildly about in tow. Kuroo turned his gaze to settle upon yours as he gave you a light frown: he expected people to at least be more decent about this whole "liking people" thing.

"You can't help catching feelings, Tetsu." You stand from your desk to shove the rest of your strewn belongings back into their respective cases and into the depths of your bag before allowing Kuroo to take hold of your hand. Kuroo constantly liked to tease you and mess around with your pride, but he always made sure your well-being was his first priority and never pushed your boundaries too far.

"Just like you?" You sigh and give Kuroo a smile — he still made fun of your sudden and very random confession.

"Yeah, like me." Kuroo understands the angle you come from, but doesn't like the idea of you defending potential hazards to your relationship. He knows you aren't dense when it comes to these types of issues, but he doesn't fail to mention his concerns with you so you can understand the issues he'd rather have both of you avoid.

"You're really too nice, _____." Kuroo both liked and hated that about you.

"But you still love me for that, don't you?" During your long walk out of campus, Kuroo finds himself unable to find the right words to express his feelings about your straight-forward feelings for him. He does love you, but how can he put that into words for you that doesn't sound too pretentious or smart-ass?

"Well duh." Ah, classic response. You giggle and Kuroo finds a smirk on his lips.

You understand him the best.

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