What rights you got?

Start from the beginning

Roli: What sort of question is this Siddhant.. come.. lets have breakfast then you continue the work...

Siddhant; But why you came all the way to office.. first tell me that...

Roli; If this is question on the concern that i am pregnant and why to take strain.. then dont worry.. i am ok now and if i find any difficulty i will return home...

Sdidhant; Not that...

Roli: If this is question on what right i came to office then its rights given by my husband to handle office affairs hand in hand as joint MD...

Siddhant: you are joint MD...

Roli; you got doubt...

Roli took out the papers of her designation as Joint MD...

Roli: here it is... signed by you.. 

Siddhant looked at it...

Roli: Also you can check all the mail correspondences i have been doing all these days as Joint MD.. you will get it confirmed...

Siddhant; No.. yesterday itself Manager told you and i mean we both only handled the situation and cleared out everything...

Roli: if that is known what sort of question is that...

Siddhant; Why cant you understand i feel difficult to.. 

Roli: Sorry.. Mr. Siddhant.. here we didn't come to romance or fight.. we have come to work for the company and i have been appointed for that only by my husband.. in that way only i came here... if you have any concern on me coming here.. you can dismiss me with proper reason...

Siddhant was sitting speechless...

Roli: Lets keep everything aside.. now come for having breakfast... i prepared your favorite food...

Roli went towards dining and served food in the plate...

Siddhant without any other way came to dining..

Roli sat in another chair.. but didn't had food...

Siddhant; You are not having food!!!

Roli: Actually we both used to eat in single plate... and now its used by you.. we used to feed each other and eat together.. can i do that now.. you wont agree right.. thats why waiting so that you will give plate after having food to have in it..

Siddhant was surprised...

He swiftly finished food and went to his cabin...

Roli with a smile had her breakfast and came to the cabin to continue her works...

Siddhant checked the messages where so many new orders and everything is attend by Roli...

She was working brilliant with every department...

Accounts, purchase, sales, admin.. infact their manager was reporting everything to Roli...

Siddhant who was noticing everything was sitting gazing at Roli...

Roli who casually turned towards him noticed that...

Roli; What happened MD SIr...

Siddhnat; I wonder.. how you are handling all the departments like this...

Roli smiled...

Roli; Are you feeling jealous... 

Siddhant: Not that... just asked...

Roli; Seeing my performance only my husband made me as Joint MD.. not did just like that...

She told in pride...

Siddhant smiled...

Roli seeing him with smile leaving all his confusions first time after getting back his memory...

Roli too smiled...

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