meal time

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big hands gripped the small blade in front of him. slicing off meat from the rations he had cooked just then. the smell of rot cascaded across the room; leaving a foul scent lingering in the stiff air. the ham was putrid, absolutely feculent. what kind of meat was that? it smelled incredibly revolting, undoubtfully disgusting. 

loud footsteps rattled the house, shaking the man's meal he had created. he began washing his hands, running the cold water over his hands, successfully rinsing off the bubbles.  he smiled lightly, before returning to the small table. 

he shifted the dishes carefully, setting them perfectly, with precise precision.

the dishes consisted of, 

absolutely dire bread; maggots crawling around on the plate. 

some sort of stew, worms, and.. a very nasty looking green sludge.

a very disastrous drink, consisting of tears and murky water.

and lastly, an absolutely nauseating dessert. it looked like mud, mixed with actual human teeth.

the man began eating like he hadn't in days. filled with absolute glee, he devoured the delicious meal, savoring every bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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