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Aria's pov
(3 years ago)

I have been running, running for hours now and can still hear them following me. They have been persistent in my stead never losing me for more than five minutes but I cannot give up now. If I did, I'll never be free from here and be bounded to this place and him for forever.

I have started to feel the efforts of running since the morning. But my fear refuses to pass me over to unconsciousness yet. The adrenaline running through my body is all that is fueling it to move forward. But it has started to feel the effects of surviving off of measly meals and just enough water to not die of dehydration.

I had been planning my escape for more than a year now. Remembering the routine of the guards, following the schedule at which the shifts changes, observing which of these guards were the most lenient one. Finally, after a year worth of knowledge I managed to get away. Just Barely.

As soon as the guards have left after pushing in the tray of food along with a bowl of water through the hole in the door, I had began preparing for my departure. Although I was ready to finally escape from this yet my heart was hammering in my chest. The thought of him finding out about my little plan even before I can excute it, scared me to no ends. But what has to be done, needs to be done.

Just a few more hours till the shift change. When there will be no one standing in front of my room. The moment I will be finally free from here, from the only life I have known for the past four years now. When the right time came, hiding and scrambling low against the walls of the manor, she ran.

I ran for my freedom, ran for my life.

Running is all I have being doing from that day forward.

Not the finest one out there but ehh!!! A honest try at this thing again...thank you if you gave this book a try, I hope I don't disappoint you by the time it comes to an end.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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