Ep. 2: Welcome to Café Attoms

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(Note: This will be the last story published under the KR Multiverse name. Starting around this January or so, all of my future stories will be published under the Aligned Re:Generations name, starting with the Agito Saga. As for Between Worlds, it's sadly going to be shelved. But if you want to see that story, you can go ask me, and then I'll finish it. Anyway, enjoy.)

Lancaster Residence, 11:55 AM

With McKeyla, Adrienne, and the Lancaster twins enjoying their lunch, James suddenly gets a call from Erica. "James, I have a favor from you. Katy asked us to take down the entire café. Can you and Emily help us out? We need some additional manpower here." Erica explained grumpily. This made James kinda sad, as Topanga's Café was the in place for the Kamen Rider Club. But then, Adrienne rose from her seat. "James, don't worry. You'll be helping me with refurbishing that place." By that point, James was held back by his anger, and silently went to the swingset outside their home.

"Don't worry, guys, I got this." Emily told them as she follows James to the swingset. She rushed to James' side, comforting him. "Don't worry, James, everything will be fine." Emily assured this, but then Adrienne arrived. "Well, chika, I actually bought out Topanga's Café so that I can start up Café Attoms." Adrienne explained.

"Wait, why exactly?" Emily asked Adri, and revealed her reason for being here. "I started Café Attoms so that me and my family can live here, and I can reunite with McKeyla." She explained, much to McKeyla's dismay. "I never thought you would go that far just to see me." McKeyla quipped. "Anyway, wanna go to the café and help out the others?" Everyone, even James, agree to help out on refurbishing the Café.

(Time skip: 3 hours later...)

After taking down all of the decorations, both Lancaster twins wanted to take a nap after all the work they had done, leaving McKeyla and Adrienne in the living room. "Em, do you want something from me?" James asked, wondering if Emily had any favors from him. Emily replied, "No, I don't." Then they went to their bedroom as they begin to talk about Adrienne. "With Adrienne around, how do you think we would go on like this?" James asked his sister, who's skeptical about Adrienne.

"I don't know, James, how would you live with Adrienne around?" Emily replied. As the twins begin to constantly banter, like typical siblings, McKeyla went upstairs and walked in on them, ignoring the twins' personal time.

"McKeyla, what are you doing here?" Emily asked, feeling generally disturbed. "Hey guys, Adri will be opening Café Attoms next week. Are you two going to the grand opening?" McKeyla asked the twins. They both said yes. "Thanks for the feedback, guys. Anyway, Adri and I will be going. Goodbye." She replied, saying goodbye to the twins. "So, James, what are we gonna do now?" Emily asked her brother. He replied, "What else other than to take a nap?"

Approx. 2 days later...

With Adrienne currently studying in Amanogawa High School, she got to know more about the Lancaster twins, as well as the rest of the Kamen Rider Club. For the entire week, she drew up plans for the interior design of Café Attoms, and spending those days figuring out how to redecorate Topanga's Café . She brought in the stuff from the original Café Attoms back at Maywood Glen. She then called up McKeyla, the Lancaster twins, and the Kamen Rider Club, for redecorating and renovating, but only the former two got back to her.

"Sure, we can help out this afternoon." McKeyla, along with James and Emily, told Adrienne. "Good, meet me after class, at the café." Adrienne responded. Later that afternoon, the truck containing the decorations had arrived, and with each passing day they made sure that Café Attoms was ready for the grand opening on Saturday. By Friday afternoon, things were all set. "Well, chikas, I guess we have done everything..." Adrienne declared, but then Rachel Lee finished her sentence. "Except this place needs a mural of some sorts."

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