You suck, you rule!

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The doorbell announced a new customer's arrival. A young boy behind the cashbox raised his head in surprise. The Family Video wasn't a busy place to work at. He poked into his co-worker and nodded to the direction of a girl that was picking out some movie for the evening.

"Never seen her before," the girl behind the counter whispered.

"You think, she needs help?" the boy winked at her and they both grinned.

"Good morning, movie fan, need some help?" The girl jumped a little when two shop assistants come out of nowhere. She smiled a little holding a VHS cartridge with the Back to the Future on it.

"Good choice," said the boy pointing on the VHS.

"Thanks," said the customer girl focusing her eyes on the name tag on the boy's chest, "Steve Harrington." He smirked and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I'm Robin," Steve's co- worker reached out an arm towards the young girl, "and I can recommend you the greatest movies of all time."

"I'm Penny," the girl said making a little bow and shook her hand with both of them.

"She's back!" Robin hissed on Steve as Penny Carter entered the Family Video shop again the next day. Steve adjusted his hair with more Farah Fawcett's hairspray.

"Hi," Penny greeted them and started to packing out the borrowed VHS cartridges on the counter.

"Did you like it?" Robin asked and Penny just nodded smiling.

"And did you like some of these more?" Steve asked, curiously waiting for the answer.

"No, it was all great," Penny replied, holding the purse in her hands ready to pay for the rent.

"Not even a slight preference of some of these?" Steve insisted and Robin gave him a hard kick into the shin behind the counter.

Penny raised her eyebrows and repeated: "No, it was all great."

"Sure it was, I'm an exp- we are experts," Robin corrected herself when Steve gave her a threatening look. "Is there anything else we can do for you?"

"Do you have the new Star Wars?" Penny asked after a few seconds of thinking.

Steve shook his head vehemently but his hair remained exactly in the same shape: "Too soon for that. It's still in the cinemas."

Penny shrugged her shoulders letting know that it doesn't matter.

"But," Robin barked quickly, "we could go to watch it." Steve turned his head on her raising his eyebrows.

"Like...the three of us?" Penny asked and a shade of uncertainty could be heard in her voice.

"Yes!" Steve affirmed before Robin could say a thing which left her in standing in silence with her mouth open.

"Ok, then... Sounds great," Penny smiled showing her white teeth for the first time. "See you today at eight." Steve and Robin watched her until she drove away in her car.

"I guess we both deserve a point," Steve grinned at his best friends.

"Who, who, Harrington," Robin tried to calm his enthusiasm a little, "the fight has just started." The score on the whiteboard separated to two sides, one of them inscribed "Steve rules" while the other "Robin rules", remained the same. At least for now.

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