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archery range

Bullseyes weren't difficult for her, especially if the target was merely thirty meters. This was much so much shorter than the official competitions she took part in. Releasing the arrow, she felt nothing as it struck ten points, totally ignoring the cheers of her fellow students. It had that same dull sound, the metal tip piercing into the woven cushion behind the rings printed on that flimsy sheet of paper. Nothing had changed.

"Lookin' blank-faced as ever, [Nickname]."

She looked up at the sound of a familiar voice, eyes meeting with slanted red.

"Ah. Yoicchan." The girl greeted calmly, completely unfazed by the gleaming firearms in each hand that had her classmates screeching and scrambling to the other side of the room. "What do you want? Another ridiculous proposal?"

"Yeah, actually."

"Well, go ahead. You know how this goes by now."

Hiruma sniggered.

"Even your voice is emotionless. Man, you're a fuckin' ice queen. Wanna help out the football team?"

"You've asked me this - "

"Yeah, but we've actually got eleven members this time."

That made [Surname] pause halfway through dismantling her bow, looking up at him with an arched brow. Seeing he'd caught her attention, he smirked.

"Transfer to Deimon and help us out. You're bored with archery, aren'tcha? Give another sport a try for once in your fuckin' life."


He groaned in annoyance, before sighing. The lanky boy took a step forward and pressing the end of a semi-automatic against her throat and leaning in until their noses were almost touching.

And yet, fear didn't as much as glimmer in the very back of her eyes. There were shouts of alarm from the other students, but they were ignored. A moment of heavy silence passed before Hiruma sighed, whacking her on the top of the head lightly with the butt of the pistol.

"You're fuckin' impossible. I'll be back tomorrow."

"It's a miracle you make it here in time every day," she off-handed commented, fully dismantling her bow and putting the parts into a specialized case. "I won't be transferring out of Ojo. It's too much trouble."

"Not because you like it here?"

[Surname] fell silent at that, pondering for a moment before shaking her head.

"I don't like it, but I don't dislike it. I don't really care, it doesn't matter where I am. It always ends the same."

"And I don't have any blackmail material on you," he muttered in disappointment. "Damn."

"Bold of you to assume someone like me would do anything stupid enough for that. We've known each other for years, Yoicchan. I'd be a fool to not realize slipping up would mean the death of me. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go check on my big brother."

The blond watched her back disappear through the doorway, the sound of her footsteps fading not two seconds later. Hiruma was well aware he wanted nothing more than to just talk her ear off for the rest of her life, trying to get her to finally show some emotion. That petty little crush had him coming back every afternoon before he knew it. She had him wrapped around her finger, and she didn't realize.

"Well shit."

miss bow and arrow.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz