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She sat alone in the shooting range. Despite Ojo giving all the students that day off for reasons [Surname] frankly couldn't be bothered to remember, she still went there.

"Even on days like this, you're still sitting here."

She didn't have to look up to know who it was.

"Home is no place for me."

The blond stalked over to her, crouching down next to her and watching her expression.

"You really haven't changed at all, have you?" His voice became uncharacteristically soft. "Fuckin' archer, stop giving up. You've got shit to do."

"If I gave up back then, none of this chaos would have happened, Yoicchan. They all left. I left. I have next to nothing. That's all there is to it."

Hiruma stared at her a moment longer before whacking the back of her head. She raised a brow at him when he offered a toothy smirk.

"Come on. We have practice today. Have fun."

[Surname] stared at the boy for a moment before heaving out a sigh and standing. The blond whistled.

"Well shit, the ice queen actually stood."

"Do you want me to change my mind, demon boy?"

He smirked.

"Let's go, fuckin' loser."

"Where's Hiruma?"

Sena looked around, Kurita laughing nervously.

"W-Well, he went off to get some stuff from the store..."

He's such a bad liar, the others gave him a deadpan look before hearing the familiar crack of machine guns. Everyone looked up in sync, shock washing over them when they saw a fairly tall girl following behind him wearing a uniform that was most definitely not theirs.

"What's a girl from Ojo doing here...?" Monta murmured, but none of them could give him an answer. Kurita started sobbing, running over to her and grabbing her shoulders.

"[N]-[Nickname]! You actually came!"

"I have no school today, it's not as if I have anything better to do. Ryocchan, please let go. I want to meet this Eyeshield 21 that Seicchan keeps talking about."

Everyone fell silent at that, both because of her unexpected familiarity with their senpai and Shin, as well as her no-nonsense attitude. Kurita sniffled, still grinning as he nodded, stepping to the side. [Surname] merely glanced at them before her eyes settled on one of the two short brunets.

"It's you, isn't it? Kobayakawa Sena. Seicchan talks about you."

"Y-Yes, that's me, er...who are you?" Sena scratched his cheek, nervous and anxious. She was pretty, but that stare she was giving him was also heavy and expectant, as if it was commanding him to kneel.

"[Full Name]. Yoicchan dragged me here to watch you all practice."

Hiruma cackled, whacking her back a couple times. The others watched in awe as she didn't as much as shake from the contact, clearly strong. Her expression didn't flinch when he leaned his elbow on her shoulder, merely tilting her head to the side so his shoulder pad wouldn't press against her cheek.

"That's right, this fuckin' ice queen agreed to help you shits out."

"I did?"

Everyone looked on with a confused and unimpressed air as she raised a brow at the blond, who laughed again.

"You got nothin' better to do, right? Sit your cold ass down and help out. It ain't as if you've got a date with Shin or something."

"Dating him is the last thing I want at the moment, he has his own things he has to do."

Hearing her immediately shoot the idea down with no hesitation and a blank face made the others feel awkward. How was she supposed to help them?

"[Nickname] might not look it, but she's a prodigy when it comes to sports. If she watches two rounds of a game she's never seen before, she'll know all the rules and how to exploit them. She's the best person for the job."

"R-Really?" Anezaki stammered in surprise, [Surname] merely shrugging.

"Everything operates by rules. It's incredibly simple."

Himura took the opportunity to usher the players out onto the field as she sat down on a bench, watching them with an eye so sharp it felt as if she were dissecting them piece by piece and laying their parts on a table.

Ice queen indeed.

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