Chapter 10 | The brother's fury

Start from the beginning

Greywind was a direwolf but he had felt angsty on his sister, Winter Rose. He had felt how she would weep next to Lilia, just as he had felt how Lady had been put to the sword. He understood Robb and he was ready to do whatever it took to help him.

"Robb, Robb!" his mother screamed as she chased him to the cage where they were keeping the King's Slayer. As he got there, he punched the man, who smirked as he spat blood.

"Do you know what this is?!" Robb screamed as he showed Jamie the bloodied sheet Joffrey had delivered him. Jamie decided to keep his cocky attitude and make some witty remark like he always would.

"A bloodied sheet. Did you take some girl's virtue for the first time? Or was this the first girl you ever laid with?" he mocked the King in the North who wasn't in a mood for Jamie Lannister's comments. "Even so, I don't see why you would show this to me"

"No, but your nephew and son did!" Jamie was a bit confused as in why Robb Stark would bring him a bloodied sheet and say that it was Joffrey's for a moment, but then realization washed over him and his features changed drastically. "Your son raped my younger sister, he beat her and made his men take turns raping her!"

"She is to be his wife ..." he was cut off once Greywind growled at him. Robb made sure his direwolf stayed out of the conversation, which he did, even if the urge to kill the man was in him.

"He raped my sister Lilia! And even if it had been Sansa, that doesn't mean that he gets to rape her!" Jamie's walls fell down as he showed how bothered he was all of a sudden. Catelyn realized right there that the Kingslayer held a secret and that he was keeping it from the world. Robb, on the other hand, stood there, looking at him. Then, he figured what his mother already had. "You have feelings for my sister"

"I don't know where you got that idea from..." he tried to defend himself but the King in the North knew better than that. He remembered how he was the one who was there for her sister when Bran was pushed from the window, even though he had been the one to do it. He remembered how she would look at him and how her cheeks would get flushed when their eyes met at her name day's banquet.

"And she had feelings for you as well" Robb stated, catching Catelyn out of guard. She never had that impression about them but the truth was that she had been too busy during those days and Robb had been the one to see them together. "I should kill you"

"Robb..." Catelyn tried to catch his attention but he blocked it. Her heart was broken just to think of what her eldest girl was enduring. She had her honour taken away and she had to face the people who had done that to her every day. All she wanted was to have her girls next to her and hug them both.

"I won't kill you today" he stated and turned to Roose Bolton. "Send a message to Tywin Lannister with... this"

"Yes, Your Grace" the bannerman did as he was told, grabbing the sheet and taking it away.

"Whatever Joffrey did, my father had no part in," Jamie said, catching the attention of the Northern King. "Lannisters don't act like fools and what Joffrey did was foolish"

"But he's going to take responsibility for it," Robb said before he left the tent, leaving Catelyn with Jamie.

"What your bastard son did to my daughter will not stand. He will pay the price" the woman claimed and left him alone to his thoughts. Jamie was upset with what Joffrey had done and confused with the things he had been accused off. Then again, would that matter when both of them will probably be dead before the war was over?

Catelyn ran after her son, who had gone to the place where he used to think. Just like the day they received the news of Ned's death, he was yielding his sword against the tree as he cried.

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