After class was over SO MANY PEOPLE came and tried to talk to me. And boys tried get my number too. I just rejected and went to class.

{{{{At Lunch}}}}

As I was in line I saw everyone's attention at me. But I just ignored them. After I got my lunch everyone kept telling me to sit at their table but I passed every single one and sat by my self, like how I usually do. And as soon as I sat down some girls and boys rushed to my table, including Ray and Roc. But weren't those the ones talking about me yesterday!!!! So I said this...

Nicki- *Sexy Voice* Hey Ray and Roc

Ray & Roc- *drooling and in a daze* Yes????


Ray and Roc quickly jumps up like "what the fudge".

Ray- How do you even know us??? Aren't you new????

Nicki- That's not the point. But don't you have a girlfriend???? And you too Roc???

They both nod looking confused and walk away.

Prince's Pov

Ray and Roc just came back from the table with Dominique.

Ray- Man, who is she????

Roc- She is fine!!!!

Prod- To the fullest!!!

Jacob- Whatever

Roc- Boy are you dumb or blind???? Are you blind-edly dumb????? Cause that girl over there is sexy!!!! I wanna hit that!!!!

Jacob- Dude chill. That's Dominique over there.

Prod,Roc,&Ray- WHAT?!?!?

Jacob- Yes that's Dominique. We made a bet yesterday that she couldn't come one day looking pretty. And well...... She won.

Prod- Dang.....

Great!!! Now how will I ever tell her I like her. It's not that NOW she has nice clothes but...... I always liked her. She is so beautiful to me. Especially now. But I have a girlfriend. Well..... She'll get over it PLUS she know better not to touch Dominique cause without those other girls, Miranda would have got beat up. Anyways I still have to tell her I've always loved her soon before one of others boys might get her. I planned on telling her on graduation day on the microphone for the big speech and follow her to college so we could be together. But I see plans changed. Now I have to tell her soon. How about I tell her at that big ball at the mansion Saturday??? Yes!!!! That'll be perfect. I already know that everyone at school is going but I don't know if she is. How about if I send her a secret letter in the locker??? Perfect idea!!!!! I'm going to put the letter in during next period while no one's out in the hall. SNAP!!!! SNAP!!!! SNAP!!!! I was sent back to earth by Roc snapping in my face.

Roc- Jacob!!!!!


Ray- Prod!!!!!!!!

Prod- Ray!!!!!

Miranda- Miranda!!!!!!

Roc- Get out of this conversation!!!!!!

Miranda- Hurtful.

Roc- Anyways...... Jacob why were you so spaced out???

Prince- I was just thinking *staring at Nicki*

Ray- *Follows his eyes* You know you was not only thinking.

Prince- Huh???

Ray- Nothing

{{{{After School}}}}

Dominique's Pov

I'm still trying to figure out who sent this letter, that's asking am I going to the ball. I don't see why they would even care.

{{{{{At Home}}}}}

As I walk in the door I see my mom and a professional decorator sitting at the table with papers spread everywhere.

Nicki- Hey mom what is this for???

Mom- Your party!!!!

Nicki- Cool!!!!!

Mom- Tell me what do you think. Light pink and blue OR black and purple.

Nicki- Pink and blue.

Mom- Okay so tommorow you can stay at a friends house after school if you want cause we have a lot of decorating and I want it to be a suprise.

Nicki- Well I'll see what I can do. I will call you.

Mom- Kay hunny!!!!!

For dinner we ate white rice, cabbage, collard greens, jiffy cornbread, honey barbeque chicken, macaroni, and barbeque ribs. I was so full, I had nigga-itis and fell asleep at the table. I was carried up to my room when IT HAPPENED..........


Hey guys!!!!! I'm not home right now so I can't post the out fit so follow this link:



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