- 1 - King Harlequin the regretful

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TW: Self-harm, mentions of Self-Harm,mentions of scars and blood, swearing (maybe)

Fairy king Harlequin, or King, sat in the forest, far away from The Boar Hat. His sleeves and pant legs rolled up as he stared at the old and recent scars. King's arms, thighs and chest were covered with wounds and scars that had been inflicted by his self blame as he grieved over Elaine.
"If only i hadn't left... maybe she'd still be alive and happy..." King murmured under his breath, eyes tearing slightly as he looked over to his left to see his Chastieful laying on the floor in spear form. Chastieful transformed back into Kings signature pillow as said person was slowly standing up, his legs shaky, before flopping on his Chastieful and deciding to head back to the tavern before someone came to search for him as he had obviously missed a few breakfasts and dinners by going into the forest early in the morning and late in the evening.

Ban sat at the bar, holding a drink in hand before realising that King hadn't been at the Tavern for a few hours and was always really late back whenever they knew where he was, "Jeez King, what have you been doing to stay out so late?" Ban whispered to himself,
"Ban, what did you say?" Diane questioned him, Ban jumped slightly as he hadn't realised Diane was there. Diane stood, her hands behind her back, she knew that Ban was worried about King because she'd always catch him staring at the area that the small fairy would sit or float on his Chastieful,"I know you're worried about King but... But I'm sure he's gonna be fine." Diane said softly to the Fox Sin as she slowly sat down on a stool next to him. They sat in silence as King entered the Tavern before he floated towards the two sins sitting at the bar. Ban observed the small king; his golden brown eyes duller and more teary, his jumper and pants damp and crinkled, mud and grass stained on his hands, lower leg and Chastieful which indicated that King had been in one of the deepest parts of the forest next to a river. Faint blood stains were on his sleeves and pant legs not noticed by the Fairy King 'Did he go hunting?' Ban and Diane questioned in their heads before Ban had a sudden realization, 'King doesn't hunt!' The Fox Sin yelled in his head as his eyes widened slightly and his head snapped towards the small fairy.

How was this, my first book and first chapter. Please correct any mistakes so I can change it.

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