Granger × Claude ~ I wanted to see you again

Start from the beginning

Faintly, the warning sounds of the safe zone moving stopped, but the two marksmen didn't notice, too focused on each other.

Claude sincerely looked surprised, his wide eyes bright even in the dark and his mouth gaping like a fish out of water. "Sorry I just..." Claude continued in a meek voice and he scratched the back of his head, for whatever reason.

Fucking hell. Stop being adorable, you stupid theif. Granger sighed in defeat and lowered his gun. He then right away placed his gun in his guitar case (Don't ask how). There was no use to fighting each other at this point. There was nothing to gain. And seeing Claude act like this caused something warm expanding in his chest, making his heart flutter at every little movement the theif makes - Granger was too familiar with this feeling and can't help himself.

"I mean, I thought new heroes aren't allowed here yet... so..." Claude inspected Granger with wide eyes, he seemed to be in disbelief that he exists in this world, then the twinkle in those eyes that Granger knows so well appeared. "It actually worked..."

Granger titled his head at that, perplexed at those words. "Worked? What do you mean?" He narrowed his eyes, of course Claude isn't above doing stupid shit if it's fun, from what he gathered from their interactions at least.

"The hell did you do?" Granger admonished, the underlying threat in that sentence was palpable. It seemed Dexter wanted to say something, till Claude hastily shushed him. Granger raised a suspicious brow at those actions.

"Nah... it's nothing, right Dexter?" The monkey groaned in annoyance as he pinched Claude's ear, then refused to look at the thief. Moreover, with what seems to be the case of the body snatchers, Claude's demeanour completely changed and he put on a confident smile as he promptly left the bush they were hiding in.

"Well... I don't think we'll win this game anyway, walk with me?" Claude stretched his hand towards Granger, opening and closing his palm to beckon him to leave the bush. Granger shrugged and took the gloved hand with his bandaged one, thinking that they would shake hands in camaderie. What he didn't expect, was Claude to grasp his hand and pulled him so they'll be standing beside each other.

"Hey let's hold hands! The dark is so scaary yeah?" Claude feigned being scared and laughed good heartedly. Granger groaned in annoyance, but didn't even think about letting go of Claude's hand.

If anything, he held Claude's hand securely in his grip.


A minute passed since they had a skirmish with Roger, Aurora, and Lolita. Would've been a war if Claude didn't went ahead of him and dealt with them first. It had been a pattern so far, Claude would always jump ahead and use his ultimate skill against everyone before Granger could even attack. Granger would've been insulted, he is more than capable to fight alongside Claude, but also realized that since he and Claude were not in the same team to begin with he would've been affected by Claude's attacks as well - so he kept quiet the entire time.

Claude doesn't jump and feed like Guinevere at least.

Meanwhile, Dexter pointed to a golden chest against the outer gates of the Western Shrine, both marksmen headed there to investigate.

"You sure there are no traps in that thing? it's too convenient that its placed out here in the open." Granger was wary and kept his distance, Claude snickered at Granger's caution and destroyed the chest.

"Nah, there aren't any traps here, so don't worry." Claude finally opened the chest, both he and Dexter shared the same smile at the prize.

"Great! Healing Potions! Aaand~~ These spells are worthless." Yet Claude saw a trap spell among them and equipped it, he picked up some of the potions and Granger followed suit. It seems drinking the potions granted them this sense of reprieve, they felt no urge to explore any further and decided to rest here before the safe area moves again.

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