"Hands up!" The policemen shouted. She turned around swiftly and ran for the back door. She heard some shots go off as she broke through the glass back door.

Y/n shook off the glass and looked right and left. She was in an alley.

"Okay, next ass-kicking event."


Peter walked into the apartment to hear the TV news on. He ignored it at first. He placed his bag on the couch and went into the kitchen to grab a snack.

"Elex has struck again. She took down seven robbers who were about to steal one million dollars. The banker reported he was threatened with a gun to put one million dollars in the briefcase. Then he said he heard a blast and soon after the men were out. Is Elex is a friend or foe? Let's see what the people think." Peter ran into the living room to see the TV. Y/n was displayed on the news.

He was still a bit angry after their conversation. He knew he stepped over the line, but he couldn't stand her anymore not seeing the signs that he liked her. He sighed.

"I guess I don't have to do no more spider duty tonight then." Peter remarked.


Y/n was on her way to school. She could see MJ leaning on the wall looking at her phone. MJ noticed Y/n and turned off her phone, "So I saw Elex had a little fun last night."

"Yeah, I did. Mainly because I got mad at Peter." Y/n replied. MJ nodded, she was curious to why they got into a fight.

"What did you guys argue about?" MJ asked. She continued to make eye contact with Y/n.

"He was asking me if I liked Brad in a pushy way and he didn't like it when I told him I'm wasn't sure." Y/n said without any emotion, almost annoyed.

Ned arrived and waved at the two girls.

"Saw you really kicked some butt last night," Ned told Y/n. Y/n nodded, "I certainly did. Girl power." Y/n turned over to MJ and fist-bumped her.

"You guys don't have a cool handshake like me and Peter do." Ned reaffirmed.

"We don't waste our time on that if we already know we rule," MJ commented. Y/n laughed and Ned just stood there with a small funny frown.

"You could totally join in on our fist bump if it makes you feel better." Y/n added. Ned grinned wide and nodded. They all did a three-way fist bump.

"Hey Y/n!!!" Brad called from his group of friends. They weren't that far away from Ned, MJ, and Y/n. Y/n turned around to see Brad cheekily smiling with his hands in his pockets. Brad came over to Y/n.

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