Lea Meets Pikachu and Min

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"Here it is," Ash carefully handed the pokéball with the special thunderbolt engraved, he had some trouble convincing Pikachu to go in, but he did manage it. His daughter, Lea's face brightened with excitement.

"Can I please open it?" Lea whined, pleading Ash her sweet honey brown eyes. Ash chuckled at her lovely daughter.

"Why of course you can. Actually, I think that Pokémon would love to get out of its ball," Ash replied, hinting Lea what Pokémon he had presented to her. Lea gasped as she understood, her eyes widened with more excitement as she shouted out.

"It's Pikachu!" Lea gasped as she pulled open the pokéball. Immediately, a beam shoot high in the sky, radiantly glowing and reflecting the colors of the rainbow. Slowly, the light took it's form to reveal Ash's old friend. Pikachu. The yellow pokémon sat rather camly on the wooden floor of Ash's house, staring at Lea squealing with excitement. "Pikachu, this is Lea my daughter. I haven't introduced you to her because I wanted her to start her training with a pokémon she had never met before." Ash turned to Pikachu and explained the situation. Pikachu just sat there as he made a frown, looking somehow disturbed.

"Uh, Pikachu?" Lea finally controlled her excitement and noticed Pikachu wasn't the brightest pokémon his dad said he was. Ash was also confused at Pikachu's unexpectedly bitter attitude but soon pulled out the memories of his first meet with Pikachu.

"Now, Pikachu can be bitter when you first meet him," Ash started to explain to Lea, but when Pikachu heard this he gave Ash a light shock, the yellow bolt running through Ash's hand up to his spiky hair. "Eyow!" Ash yelped in surprise but maintained his pokerface and gave a stern look to Pikachu. Pikachu covered his mouth and snickered. "So, you'll have to create a bond, an attachment before you start any battles with him," Ash explained the rest. Lea had a queer misture of expression that reflected on her face. But Ash had reconized why she had that face on. She wanted to begin battle imediantly, Lea was very competitive. 'She'll have to learn it by experiencing it than...' Ash thought as he guided Lea who was staying slient outside the house, into the forest where she would battle with pokémons.


Lea was out in the wild, with Pikachu standing next to her. "Okay Pikachu... before we go into battle, show off some of your skills on that tree!" Lea pointed to a big oak tree standing in front of them. "Pika" Pikachu refused and turned his head away from her. Lea sighed in frustration, rolling her eyes at him. "I know you can do it, you are a legend known to everyone. You should be able to win battles, right?" Lea demanded Pikachu to show his skills for her. Pikachu once again shook his head. Lea stomped her feet in anger and annoyance, but soon dropped down to the ground and crouched. She looked up at the sky and sighed in confusion. What did she have to do with Pikachu? 'Form a bond'? She just wanted to battle, win, and become the best trainer. When various thoughts were rushing through her mind about Pikachu, someone lightly tapped her shoulder. Lea looked back, startled to find a boy looking about the same age as her.

"Hey, notice you're a pokémon trainer too," the boy spoke. Lea stared at him. He had a Snorlax behind him. "Woah... that's a Snorlax!" Lea shouted out. The boy ignored her. "I'm Min. You are?" He asked.

"Lea. By the way, what's wrong with my Pikachu? He won't show me any of his skills." Lea consulted her problem to Min. Min laughed at Lea's question. It seemed idiotic to him. "Well probably because you haven't yet bonded with him. Pokémons aren't just there to fight. You need to become friends with them." Min replied after laughing a bit. "Huh." Lea thought about bonding with Pikachu for a moment. He was right. Her dad also said the same words too. Lea looked back at Pikachu, the cute pokémon looked up at her with his bright eyes. Maybe they were right. Sometimes, trainers had to just take time and become friends with their pokémons. Lea slowly moved her hand and opened it in front of Pikachu, so her palm was faced the sky. Pikachu, also slowly placed his bright yellow hand on top of Lea's. 

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