five • midnight

Start from the beginning

Miles couldn't help but smile at that even though you couldn't see it due to the mask. When the officer opened the driver said door, the man in custody had something to say.

"Hey Spider-Man! Carnage says hello!"

That's why he was brought out here. Why his spider-sense went off. Not only to save a life, but to get warned. Sometimes his sense warned him in more ways than one.

The officer told him to stay quiet then drove off back to the station. Miles stood there in the street, not knowing what to do.

How was that man connected to Carnage?

And why did Miles have such an uneasy feeling in his stomach?

Spider-Man went back to doing patrol. He returned back to Visions at around one thirty and still had plenty of time to sleep. Miles climbed back through the window, remembering that Olivia was still asleep in her bed. He noticed that she wasn't up there and that the door was cracked open some. A sign that she had either went to the bathroom or got a bottle of water. Panicking, he quickly tried to change out of his suit. There's no telling how long she'd be gone and it could be any second when she came back. His suit was just being stuffed back under his bed when she walked back in.

"Oh Miles! Did I wake you?"

He stood up. "N-No." Miles cleared his throat. "I was just looking... looking for my phone."

She titled her head at him. "It's on the desk Miles."

He looked over and sure enough it was. It was probably dead or about to be. "O-Oh yeah.. right."

Olivia chuckled as she climbed back onto the top bunk, looking over to peek at Miles. "Are you okay? You're acting weird."

"Sorry, just tired I guess."

"Get some sleep then. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Liv."

He sat down on the bed. If he would've gotten into the room any later he would've gotten caught. Being caught by your roommate that you don't really know isn't the greatest thing to happen to someone like him. No one knew yet but he had plans on telling Ganke at some point.

Miles fell asleep pretty quickly despite all the thoughts circling in his head.

The man he caught was out there on purpose.
He knew Spider-Man would come.
He always did.

It was a trap, a set up.
A test.

Carnage was there the whole time, hidden in the shadows. He watched the officer thank Spider-Man like he was some sort of savior.

He was jealous.

Brooklyn was never meant to be Spider-Man's city. Fate just so happened to favor him instead of Carnage. Carnage had always been there, waiting for his time to show up. Right as he started to, right as things aligned for him, Spider-Man took all the glory.

He was waiting.


One week later
Beth's Diner

Ganke, Gwen, Olivia, and Miles were sitting at a booth at Beth's Diner which served some of the best milkshakes, chicken strips, and baked goods in the entirety of Brooklyn in their opinion. At least once a week they'd stop by to get a milkshake, some fries, and a slice of cake. Along with an actual meal if they were really hungry. The burgers hit the spot after a football game or any other school event. The owner always had a "cake of the week" and this time it was red velvet. When Ganke walked in and saw it he almost started drooling.

"This has to be the best cake ever."

"You say that every time we walk in here."

"And I'm right every time!"

Gwen rolled her eyes and grabbed her milkshake. "Do you even like red velvet?"

"I do now."

Olivia laughed and Miles started laughing too. They were sitting side by side for the first time ever and Miles actually really liked it. He was glad they were becoming close. "So Liv." He said. "You're the only one here without a piece of cake."

She winced. "I don't like red velvet."

Ganke looked genuinely offended. "How dare you offend Beth like that?!"

The owner and head chef Beth, who was cleaning the front counter, looked up and smiled. The group had been regulars for almost a year now, she absolutely adored them. "Ganke not everyone likes red velvet!"

"Still though!"

"Liv baby, would you like some brownies? Just made a fresh batch!"

She thought on it for a moment. "I would actually! Thank you!"

Their waitress brought out some brownies which Miles stole before she could say any thing. Gwen saw the look on Olivia's faced and laughed.

"Excuse me!"

"What? It's one brownie!"

"One too many!"

They ate their food, talking about what was going on at school. Then the topic of homecoming came back up.

"When is it again?"

"Next week."

Gwen's eyes went wide. "Already?"

"Yes Gwen already."

"Are we going to the dance?" Ganke asked the group.

"Why wouldn't we?" Olivia said, eating a French fry. "It's always fun! If the DJ is good anyways."

"Do my hair and makeup? Gwen asked Olivia.

"You know it."

"Gwen with her hair and makeup done? I don't believe it." Ganke said.

Gwen nudged him. "It's a special occasion let me live!"

They ate the rest of their food, taking a milkshake with them on the way out. They went back to Visions and chilled in the dormitory lounge since it wasn't overcrowded for once.

While they were talking, a breaking news alert came on the TV. Apparently something was happening downtown yet again.

"What's happening now?" Some kid asked.

"Don't know. Where's Spider-Man?"

"He can't be there all the time you know."

The kid was right, Spider-Man couldn't be there all the time. Miles looked over at his friends who were all laughing and smiling and for once he didn't leave with a bad excuse to make up for it. He decided to stay put, let the officers handle it. All it appeared to be was a break in at a store so it was nothing too crazy. Carnage was no where in sight either much to his relief. They did some homework together before heading back to their rooms. Miles and Olivia talked for a little in their room about anything and everything. This was the one time he didn't feel bad about not going out.

Sometimes, it was best to not put on the mask.

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