Chapter two- unpacking/2nd day

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I was unpacking a box in my new room and I found a picture. A picture of my family. It was painful yet I was happy at the same time. A part of me wants to let go of my past but another part of me wants to hold on. I don't know what to do. That's why I have Jess as my best friend, she keeps me stable. But yet I break down time from time. I finished unpacking and went to see what Jess was doing. I entered her room and saw she was fast asleep on her bed with no blanket. I smiled to myself looking at her. She looked peaceful but cold. I walked over to one of her boxes and found a blanket, then I went up to her and covered her with the blanket. "Sweet dreams Jess" I said before I turned off the lights and went Back in my room. I haven't talked to my mom sense I left so I thought I should call her.

Phone conversation

Mom: "hello" she said tiredly

Me: "hey did I wake you mom" I asked concerned

Mom: "yes but it's okay I'm just glad I'm hearing your voice again" she said sounding like she was gonna cry

Me: "I just wanted to call and let you know I was here and all set up" I said about to cry

About a few minutes later we ended the call. I started to cry after the call because I missed her. I fell asleep that night crying and hurt.

Next morning/afternoon

I woke up to the sound of loud music playing. "Jessica" I yelled she didn't Hear me so I had to get up. Ugh. I got up and went out into the living room and saw her dancing like a crazy person. I couldn't help but laugh. She noticed me and said "come join my loner dance party" "haha you wish. I'm hungry lets get food" I said. "Okay what do you want" she asked "pancakes" I said excitedly "lyss it's 1 in the afternoon" she said looking at me like I was crazy. "Ugh then pizza" I said in a disappointed tone. "Okay but I'm not going with you looking like that. Get cleaned up and put some real cloths on girl" she said in a sassy tone. "You sound like my mother" I said walking away. As I heard her laugh.

At the pizza place

We walked into the pizza place and went up to the counter where the pizza guy was. "Hi welcome to pizza king what can I get you" the pizza guy asked. I looked up at him and noticed his beautiful green and gold eyes. He had short blonde hair and a smile that could kill. "U-mm I-I would like t-o order a medium pineapple pizza please" I said stuttering. "Okay that will be $20. It will be out in a few minutes" he said sweetly. His voice was so beautiful as well. Jess and I went to sit down at a table and the pizza boy came up to us. "Hi I'm Luke and I just wanted to say your really pretty" he said to me as I blushed "hi Luke I'm Alyssa. Here's my number text me or call me some time" I said as he blushed and nodded and walked away. Jess gave me a look like I was cray. "What" I asked. "Um don't your remember you know who" she put in quotations. "Yes I remember and I think it's about time I move on" I said giving her a look. "Okay but I still think you two belong together" she gave me a look back. I signed trying not to think about him. Luke came back to us with our pizza and we said thanks and left.


Hey guys I hope you liked it. Who is this mystery guy? I don't know read and maybe you will find out. -Sid

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