JLars Headcannon #1

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-It was late 1983- *Lars' POV*
It was a warm summer afternoon when I woke up from a much needed three hour nap, and I was getting dressed. As I was, I slipped on my chest binder, putting on a sleeveless shirt over it, and put on my pants. When I did, I yawned, rubbing the sleepiness from my tired green eyes, and walked downstairs, where I was greeted by my boyfriend of two years, James. He smiled at me, softly kissing my cheek, and said, "Afternoon, Lars." I kissed him on his nose, and said, "Good afternoon to you too, James. Are you ready for our concert today?" He nodded, playing with a piece of my hair, and said, "More than ever. Let's go get the guys and head out." After we had lunch, we got ready to go, and left to go to the venue, which was outdoors, and set up our equipment. When we were finished setting up, we did sound check, running through our set list a couple times, and we went backstage to warm up and get ready. When we did, I went into the bathroom, adjusting my binder, and changed my shirt. After I was finished, I left the bathroom, and sat down next to James. He smiled, kissing my temple, and said, "Hey there Lars. Are you ready to rock?" I smiled, my hand intertwined with his, and said, "More than I'll ever be." After this, a crew member came into the room, and said, "You're on in five." We nodded, finishing up with warm ups, and got ready to go onstage. After the five minutes passed, the crew member came in, and said, "You're on now, let's get onstage." James nodded, lightly squeezing my hand, and we walked onstage and went to our instruments. When we did, I took a breath, and started playing the first song, which was Hit the Lights. After we got through the first few songs, I started getting overheated, and fanned myself with a folded piece of paper. When I cooled down, we continued playing, and before we knew it, the show was over, and I was way overheated. James looked at me, concern in his blue eyes, and said, "Lars? Are you ok? You look overheated." Cliff and Kirk nodded in agreement, and I said, "I'm just a little bit warm, that's all." James looked at me, concern still evident in his eyes, and said, "Lars, I can tell when you're uncomfortable, and this is one of those days. You need to cool off. Just take off your shirt and cool down, please?" I looked at him, and said, "I-I can't... I'm insecure about my chest..." James looked at me, puzzled, and said, "What do you mean by that?" I sighed, and said, "Come backstage and I'll tell you guys." James nodded, gesturing for Kirk and Cliff to follow, and we went backstage. When we did, I looked down at my feet, twiddling my thumbs nervously, and said, "The reason I'm insecure about my chest and won't take my shirt off, is... I-I'm transgender... I was originally born a girl, and my name was Lina. I didn't want to take my shirt off because it would reveal my chest binder." I closed my eyes, tears rolling down my cheeks, and gasped softly as I felt the guys hugging me. I opened my eyes to see them keeping me in a tight group hug, and James kissed my cheek, wiping the tears away, and said, "Lars, no matter what, we still love and support you, and we always will. And I'll always be your boyfriend." I smiled, kissing James' cheek, and said, "How did I get so lucky with a boyfriend and best friends as awesome as you guys?" Kirk and Cliff smiled, and Cliff said, "The universe has an interesting way of bringing people together." I smiled, nuzzling my face into James' chest, and said, "You guys are the best."

Metallica Headcanons / OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora