"Eclipse stay. Behave for Vivian." Lyanna said in the sternest voice she could muster. Jon had taught her how to show she was the mistress and Eclipse had to listen. Eclipse let out a whine of disapproval but jumped up onto the furs. Eclipse had a small struggle and let out a growl of annoyance before she managed to settle down curled up. Eclipse had grew massively but her legs were still more gangly than the other pups. It was a side effect of being the "bitch" of the litter, the female version of the runt.

The handmaiden picked up the furs from the bed and slid them onto her shoulders. Vivian tied them in place before she sent Lyanna to the courtyard.

Brandon Stark stood at the top of the castle walls. He grinned in awe while he watched the king and his party approach. Catelyn had always hated the young Stark climbing. The stubborn boy would still scale the walls when she wasn't around. Bran quickly hurried back down. The young boy swinging from ledge to ledge with his hand on the one above.

Lady Catelyn approached the courtyard with Maester Luwin following,
"By gods do they grow fast." Catelyn sighed catching sight of Summer. The lady of Winterfell frowned immediately. She watched her son dismount down the castle wall.

"I saw the king and his people!" Brandon Stark announced proudly.
"How many times have I told you? No climbing." Lady Catelyn scolded.
"But he's coming right now!" The young Stark boy climbed down from the last ledge and stopped in front of his mother.

"I want you to promise me. No more climbing." Lady Catelyn said sternly.
"I promise." Bran sighed and looked down at his feet, earning a smile from Catelyn.
"Do you know what? You always look at your feet before you lie. Lyanna takes after you. Run and find your father, tell him the king is close." The Lady of Winterfell smiled softly and watched Brandon run off with Summer at his heels.

Young Arya Stark pushed past the group that had gathered to see the king arrive. Arya had found Lyanna on her way to the courtyard and had told her she wanted to show her something.

The Stark girl held tightly onto Lyanna's hand and pulled her through the small gap. The wild Stark climbed onto a nearby wagon after helping Lyanna up. Arya wrapped her arms around the young one carefully. They both watched the king and his party ride into Winterfell. The two stood in awe at the decorated helmets and the Lannister- Baratheon flags the rest of the party flew.

The rest of the Stark's stood in all their finest waiting to receive the king.
Lady Catelyn quickly frowned and turned to her eldest daughter.
"Where are Arya and Lyanna? Sansa, where are your sisters?" Catelyn received a shrug in reply.

"The kings coming now!" Lyanna tugged on Arya's hand and they quickly jumped down.
They both ran breathlessly up to the line of Starks. Arya had to practically drag the younger Stark for her to keep up.

"Hey hey hey, what are you doing with that on?" Eddard said removing the helmet from Arya's head and handing it to Ser Rodrik behind him. Lord Stark sighed and smoothed down Lyanna's crumbled bottom of her dress. She'd rolled it up with the idea it would allow her to run quicker. Jon and Robb smirked at the two Stark children, they had to bite back laughter.

Ned gently pushed Arya into line and passed Lyanna's hand over to Lady Catelyn for her to stand next to Rickon.
"Move!" Arya snapped and shoved Bran to the side standing beside him. Catelyn shot Arya a warning look.

Joffrey rode through the archway first flanked by two guards and a wheelhouse followed. Lyanna found herself pressing herself further into Rickon and taking his hand, she'd been frightened by the large guard that came behind the prince. He was of massive size with simple enough armour. The helm that was shaped like a snarling dog seemed to burn into the child's eyes.

The wheelhouse was red with intricate golden decorations. The eldest Stark girl smiled at the sight of the prince. Sansa admired the golden haired Lannister and earned a look from Robb.
King Robert Baratheon followed the carriage with more guards with him. Lyanna was surprised at the look of the king.

Robert Baratheon was a fat man with a red face for the excessive riding. His small eyes gazed at his subjects as they all bowed at his arrival.
Lyanna fell into a hasty curtsy and held the bottom of her dress. The sweet Stark child seemed to wait what felt like an eternity, until the King dismounted from his horse. Lyanna could see out of the corner of his eye he needed help to dismount.

"Your grace." Eddard said respectfully.
King Robert looked over his old friend and there was a short silence.
"You've gotten fat." Robert finally spoke up again.
Lord Eddard Stark gazed down at Robert's own substantial stomach in silence until they both laughed.

"Cat!" Robert grinned and pulled the woman into a strong hug.
The king moved to Rickon and ruffled his brown curls. Robert offered little Lyanna a kind smile. The kings features lingered on the sweet Stark child for a while. Robert couldn't believe just how much she looked like her namesake. The young Stark child had a tint of Tully red in her hair but the rest was
predominantly Stark.

"Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?" Robert cleared his throat and returned to Eddard again.

Cersei Lannister and the two young Lannister's, Tommen and Myrcella came out of the wheelhouse. Some handmaidens stood behind them and Cersei glanced around the courtyard almost in disgust.

"Where is the imp?" Arya asked stupidly.
"Will you shut up?" Sansa snapped at the stupidity of her younger sister.
"What have we here? You must be Robb." Robert addressed the eldest Stark boy before moving to Sansa.

"Aye you're a pretty one and your name is?" The king complimented Sansa and then addressed Arya.
"Arya." The wild Stark answered fiercely.
"Ooh show us your muscles. You'll be a soldier." Robert grinned at Bran approaching the end of the line.

"That's Jamie Lannister the Queen's twin brother." Arya said in awe.
"Will you just shut up?" Sansa sighed irritated.
Cersei approached the Stark's and held out her hand to Eddard. Eddard placed a kiss on her ring out of respect.
"My queen." Lord Stark bowed his head and Lady Catelyn did the same.

"Take me to the crypts. I want to pay my respects." Robert demanded.
"We've been riding for a month my love, surely the dead can wait." Cersei sighed.
"Ned." The king said sharply walking away.

Cersei sighed and was about to return to her children until she felt a small tug on her dress.
Lyanna had been fascinated by the beauty of the woman and the design of her beautiful dress.
Cersei raised an eyebrow slightly and looked down to see Lyanna latched onto her skirts.

"I'm sorry your grace."Lady Catelyn began and moved to pull Lyanna away, but Cersei waved her off.
"It's quite alright Lady Stark." Cersei felt a small rare smile crossing her lips as she crouched down to the child.
"You're a pretty one Lyanna. I'm sure you look even prettier in a nice clean and new dress. Make sure to show me your dress at the feast." Cersei smiled at the child, who was grinning in awe of the woman.

"Where's the imp?" Arya blurted out stupidly again.
"Where is our twin?" Cersei asked her twin but Jamie only shrugged in response.
"I suppose you should go and find him." Cersei said in disdain. The Lannister woman held no regard for the little dwarf as a brother.

The courtyard had began to clear and Lyanna was picked up by Robb. Robb carried her inside the castle, but not before she could give Cersei a small shy wave goodbye. Cersei surprisingly found herself returning it, before she returned to her own children.

The Pup Of The North [currently being rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now