(Uke! Harry x Seme! Draco SMUT)

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Draco sat next to Blaise, his head resting in his palm. He was extremely bored listening to Snape's lecture about their attitude towards potions. Blaise had his head resting on the table, dozing off every few seconds before jolting awake with such a suddenness that Draco was sure he would fall off his stool.

Draco leaned towards Blaise and whispered in his ear. "Hey... Do you think I should just tell Potter now?"

"Well, you could if you really want to. Would you just send him a note or try to whisper to him?" Blaise mumbled, watching as Snape finished his lecture, wrote some instructions on the board for written work and sat back down behind his desk, marking papers from the class before. Draco nodded and, grabbing some parchment and his quill and ink, scribbled a note for Harry. Folding it, he took out his wand and tapped the folded parchment, creating a figure similar to that of a swan's. He muttered an incantation and with that, the swan was sent soaring gracefully over towards Harry.

Snape looked up curiously as it landed gently in Harry's hand. Harry unfolded the parchment and started reading the cursive writing:

             I have a favour to ask of you. Meet me at the entrance to the Prefects' bathroom on the fifth floor at midnight tonight. I'm sure you must know where the Prefects' bathroom is, right?

-Draco Malfoy

Harry re-read the note over and over again, confused as to why Malfoy would want him. Little did he know, he wasn't the only one confused; Snape was reading as well from over Potter's shoulder, brows raised slightly in confusion.

As soon as the lesson ended, Harry made a bee-line for the exit, already outside before anyone else had finished packing away their quills. He waited impatiently for Ron and Hermione to leave the classroom, his brain swimming with reasons as to why Malfoy wanted to see him. Ron and Hermione walked out soon after and they started to make their way to the Gryffindor Common room.

"I am so glad it's the end of the day! I am starving!" Ron spoke once they had sat down in the Common room. Hermione rolled her eyes "Is that all you think about, Ronald? Food?"

"You should know that by now, 'Mione." Harry remarked, laughing.

"Well, you're not much better yourself, Harry. You don't nearly eat the right amount of food you should! You're a rake!" Hermione said, poking him painfully in the ribs.

"OUCH. 'Mione!" Harry glared. 

"I can feel all your ribs! That can't be healthy," Hermione frowned at Harry's lack of self care.

"Oh, look. Let's head of to the Great Hall, it's a few minutes until tea!" Ron grinned, pulling Hermione out the door with Harry trailing behind quietly.

Harry sat in the Great Hall opposite his two best friend, watching with amusement as Ron stuffed his face full of chicken and at Hermione, who was eating politely, making sure to eat with her mouth closed and only to talk once she had swallowed her food, unlike a certain redhead sat beside her. Harry, so far, had eaten an apple slice and was now twirling his fork in a circular motion on the plate, mixing all the food together, but none of it actually ending up in his mouth.

Snape was sat at the teachers table, looking towards Draco, who was staring intently at Potter, occasionally licking his lips. If it was any other person in another house, he would put it down to checking Harry out, but this was Draco Malfoy, a boy who prised himself of being a pureblooded Slytherin- and was definitely straight! He didn't know why Draco wanted to meet Potter hours after curfew but he was going to make sure that he found out.

Once Dumbledore had dismissed the students, telling them anything they needed to know, Draco had rushed out the hall, being one of the first out, despite the fact that he was sitting on the furthest side of hall away from the door. Snape quickly stood after his initial shock to how fast Draco had gotten out the room. He swept out the side door closest to where he was sitting at the main table, hoping that he would be able to get some marking done before after-hours stroll around the school.

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