Mad Love Chapter Eleven

Start from the beginning

<P>"Why you in particular?" Zack asked. </P>

<P>I shrugged. I really like Zack, but I don't think uncovering the fact that I dated Jamie before he was my boss seemed like a good move. </P>

<P>Zack asked a lot of questions about my job. He wanted to know what projects we currently had, what contractors we hired. "How many management positions are opened to recent graduates?" he asked. </P>

<P>"Well, we always accept applications, but I think there are only two positions open now," I said, trying to remember. "But they're both a few hours away from here, I think," I told him, waving my hand in dismissal.</P>

<P>"What sort of recommendations do you need for a position like yours?" he continued to interrogate. I really wished we could move onto a different subject.</P>

<P>"Um, well, it helps to have Gabe Strother as a recommendation. Not to mention Rob Garner, too," I said laughing. "You can't really beat those references."</P>

<P>I proceeded to my food, which was rapidly becoming cold. When I saw Zack open his mouth, presumably with another question, I interrupted him. "Zack, let's not really talk about work. It's Friday night, my boss has given me hell for the past few weeks - it's really the last thing I want on my mind," I said, grimacing. </P>

<P>Luckily, he gave into my pleading with a quick smile. "Of course," he said, quite the gentleman. "No more work-talk now," he agreed, holding up a hand like a pledge. I grinned back at him. We finished our food, making small talk. Zack asked after Em, having met her once on campus with me. He also talked about his work, and how he was eager to move on to a different job, one that utilized his degree.</P>

<P>After dinner, I washed the dishes since he had made the meal, but Zack helped me anyway. Being with him was comfortable, easy, and stress-free.</P>

<P>Around nine, he said goodnight. As he opened the door to let himself out, I stopped him.</P>

<P>"Thank you so much for dinner, it was fantastic," I told him again. "Emily is the only one, outside of my family, to make me dinner. And believe me when I say, she's got nothing on you." </P>

<P>"Oh, no prob, Maddy. It was my pleasure," he said, nodding. "Well, goodnight." With that, he turned around again, taking only one step before I tugged on his sleeve.</P>

<P>"Wait, you forgot something," I told him as he turned to face me. I stood on my toes, kissing him gently on the lips. "A goodnight kiss," I whispered, watching as a blush suffused his cheeks. He stood there for a minute, lips slightly pursed like they had been when I had kissed him.</P>

<P>A laugh bubbled up from my throat, and he gave an embarrassed grin. "Um, yeah, night Maddy," he said, before dazedly walking down the steps to his car.</P>

<P>It was nice to be with someone that was so easy to please, I thought with a smile.</P>


<P>Em was working the weekend at the gallery, preparing for a large Saturday night turnout for a premiere. I stopped by around noon to meet her for lunch.</P>

<P>Walking into the lobby of the gallery, I saw workmen everywhere, hauling large platforms, walls, and pieces of art around in a panic. The open, tall ceilinged building was brightly lit from the enormous windows on the left wall. Hurrying past men carrying a huge canvas, I went into Em's office. Lacey wasn't at her usual desk, and I assumed she was off today. </P>

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