❦traning ❦

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(Y/n) pov

It was the morning after the awkward dinner with katchan but it's what ever I now know what my chances are with him great.

Any who I wake up early to start training with my father it was about 5:30am I wanted to have a cup of coffee to wake up because with my fathers quirk I'm always extra tired in the morning.

Sometimes I'm surprised that he even wakes up in the morning.

I look over to grab my phone to see I have a new text message

Crazy didn't think he'd notice the note but I'm kinda glad he did

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Crazy didn't think he'd notice the note but I'm kinda glad he did.

I turned my phone off and walked to my shower and took a quick one to wake me up and get the rest of my make up off from last night

I woke up extra early so that way I could do some drawing and art.

About 2 hours passed and I heard my father finally wake up so I finish the sketch I was working on and go down stairs to my tired father and give him a pat on the head he passed me another cup of coffee

Aizawa: "ready for training today? I'll be having some other hero's come help you work of your quirk disabling since it won't work on me."

(Y/n):" yes. And that sounds great"

I hated being so formal with my father calling him father in all I wanted to call him papa or something other then something so formal it's just what I've been calling him for as long as I could remember.

Hawks was still here my birthday was tomorrow so he said he would stay till the day after my birthday.

I walked outside into our back yard to get warmed up and ran a few laps and did some pushups for being so small and short I was very fit and strong I stood at 5'2 but I liked being short.

(Le time skip brought to you by a lazy author ;-;)

I was beat.

I could barely move my arms my father had me picking up large barrels full of water with my scarfs they were bigger then the usual water tanks so I got worn out.

I was just laying in the grass my father invited Endeavor over to help me train with my quirk disabler.

Endeavor:" not bad (y/n)"

I hated him with every bit of my guts he caused his family to fall apart and was a horrible person over all.

(Y/n) :" were not on a first name basis I would rather you call me Aizawa."

I always gave him the cold shoulder he wanted me to do a quirk marriage with his oldest son but I refused I didn't even know who the kid was

After he had left I went up to my room and took a shower and rested my muscles we had our personal masseuse come help me out she's know me all my life and knows where my muscles always seam to get the tightest after training.

It continued like this every day of summer vacation and I only took a break because of my birthday.

Nothin interesting happend on my birthday besides katchan came over to give me a gift it was a small necklace and I couldn't help but think that he did like me but I pushed my feelings down.

I was ready the first day of school was tommrow and I had been training all summer my body was toned and I had abs now they were nice to have they weren't crazy but I was in good shape.

I rode with my parents to school they had to get there early so that way I could help my parents with some of the final papers and such so that was fine.

At this point I had about 10million followers on Instagram now. I blew up I got recognized a lot more now when I went out in public I even had to get a personal security gard but he was only needed if I wasn't at school or home.

I didn't talk to katchan at all over the summer break I don't know why but I didn't.

As I was watching all the students Flood through the gates I recognized some of the students one of them being katchan.

As I continued to watch katchan I realized I still had feelings for him but I couldn't tell him that.

(Le time skip)

By this time everyone is in class and father hasn't gotten there yet I decided I would come late to class because I wanted to say hello to all of my aunts and uncles.The moment I step foot through the door I was recognized buy everyone


A girl with pink skin called out.

All eyes were on me as everyone came rushing to me a tall guy with glasses yelled at everyone


Everyone backed up and let me though there were only 2 people not up and huddling around with the rest of the group

It was katchan and some girl with brown hair. They were talking looking totally love struck

(A/n in my story it set up to be where over the summer Bakugo meets uranka and they start dating and she's a lot more confident and such not so shy and deku becomes more like Bakugo not so shy and he's more of a player now just to inform you and how this is an important detail in the story)

I felt my heart ache but it was okay we weren't talking anymore and thats okay and it's my fault for not telling my feelings.

Not a moment later I see a yellow sleeping bag inch it's way to the front of the room.

Oml father what the bloody hell

Aizawa: "it took you 6 seconds to be quiet we'll need to work on it."

The class was dead silent he pushed a button on his desk and on the wall came out cases I already knew what was going to happend came to work with my father a lot when I was younger witch is why I'm friends with hawks.

Aizawa:" go to the locker rooms and get changed and meet me out side"

We all get our cases and head to the locker rooms

Now I've always had a problem with clothes because I'm so curvy anything I wear seams tight and hugs my curves.

"Wow you look so hot"
"You have an amazing body"
"You look so strong"

We're just some of the comments I could make out of the crowd of girls staring at me.

(Y/n):" hehe thanks..."

The pink girl comes up to me

"Hi there my names Mina want to be friends?"

(Y/n):"um ok sure"

Did I just make my first ever friend that wasn't my parents what the hell.

(Time skip to after the tests)

Okay the results were put up on the board and the places were like this

I want surprised that I got first but I did feel bad for all the kids who though they were actually getting expelled *chough chough* deku

He look so relieved when father said that he was just lying and some girl named Momo said she knew.

When walked back to the locker rooms to get changed back into my uniform I saw katchan and that brown haired girl talking


and this wasn't just a peck this was a damn make out

I could feel my heart break.

But I just have to keep reminding my self if I would of said something I wouldn't be feeling this.

The hero's kid (Bakugo x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu