The handmaiden busied herself with clearing up her chambers and changing her bed to fresh bedsheets from the laundry.

Lyanna Stark was bored of roaming around Winterfell and she decided to go find her brothers. The sweet Stark child climbed all the stairs slowly and breathlessly made her way into the tower room. The Stark child counted the guards that she could see and realised that majority had went with her father. Lyanna grinned and ran back down the steps again. She tripped over the bulky stairs a few times but pulled herself back up to keep going.

Lyanna reached the bottom of the tower and took her opportunity to run past the guards on duty. The sweet Stark child giggled and dived into a bush just outside of Winterfell for cover. Lyanna Stark grinned to herself proudly and made her way deeper into the forest. She was listening for any sounds of her father or other brothers arrivals. The sound of horses even.

The smart six year old wandered further into the woods and grinned at the sound of horses getting louder. Lyanna dived into the bushes biting back her loud giggles.
Lord Stark and his riding party, along with his three eldest sons pounded down the path. Their horses hooves echoing off the dirt path. Eddard was the first to notice some form of dead animal and slowed down along the path. Eddard dismounted from his horse and walked forward.

"What is it?" John snow questioned as everybody followed Lord Stark's actions and dismounted.
"A mountain lion?" Theon asked in the Lord's silence once he'd noticed the dead body of the deer. There was an antler missing and small insects hovered around.
"There are no mountain lions in these woods." Lord Stark dismissed as he dismounted from his horse.

Ned moved from the dead animal and explored further down the path, with his party following. The party stared with shocked expression at the dead creature they found, Lord Stark crouching closer with Jon beside him.

"It's a freak." Theon said stupidly.
"It's a Dire wolf.. tough old beast." Eddard said reaching out and pulling the remains of the deers antlers from the wolf.
"There are no dire wolves south of the wall." Robb Stark spoke up.

"Now there are five. Do you want to hold it?" Jon addressed Bran and nearly threw the pup into his arms.
Lyanna gasped from the bushes and grinned when she saw the little baby wolf.
"Where will they go? Their mother's dead." Bran frowned.
"Better a quick death. They won't last without their mother." Lord Stark sighed. Theon scrambled forward with his sword out and tried to take the wolf from Brandon. The Greyjoy would do anything to try and impress Lord Stark.

"No! No! Put it away!" Lyanna shouted and bolted out the bushes. She'd noticed the horrible Greyjoy drawing his sword and she didn't like him.
"Put away your blade- Lyanna?" Robb was about to warn the Greyjoy but he was shocked to see Lyanna running towards them.

"I take orders from your father not you." The Greyjoy answered smugly.
"Please father!" Young Brandon continued to plead.
"Please father! Please please I want one. It can be an early gift for our name days!" Lyanna quickly reasoned.

"I'm sorry Bran. Lyanna, what are you even doing out here? You know these woods are dangerous. Does Catelyn even know where you are?" Lord Eddard first apologised to his son and then snapped at his youngest.
"I came to find you! Everybody was boring in Winterfell." Lyanna sniffled and her lip quivered when he raised his voice.

"Lord Stark. There are five pups, one for each of the Stark children apart from one. The dire wolf is the sigil of your house. They were meant to have them. I'm sure Lyanna meant no harm and I'm sure she's learned her lesson." Jon reasoned and shot Lyanna pointed look.
"I'm sorry Lyanna. That can be your punishment. You can ride back with Robb." Lord Eddard sighed.

"You will train them yourselves, you will feed them yourselves and if they die you bury them yourselves." Eddard declared to his other children before the Lord moved toward his horse.
"What about you and Lyanna?" Brandon frowned up at the bastard.
"I'm not a Stark, I'm sure we can find something for your little sister. Get up." Jon shook his head. The bastard followed the younger Stark up. Jon paused and he turned around again at the sound of whimpering.

"What is it?" Robb asked annoyed. He was in the process of putting Lyanna up on his horse. She was to sit behind him and hold on tight as he'd instructed. She'd already snuck out and worried mother. He didn't want to face mother's wrath if she came back with injuries even minor ones.

Jon crouched down and stood up again. He held two pups by the scruff of their necks with his gloved hands. In one hand he held a white wolf with red eyes and in the other a smaller black wolf with shining green eyes. The black wolf in his left was noticeably much smaller than her brothers and sisters.

Theon smirked at the sight.
"The runt of the litter and the bitch.That ones yours Snow and the other the little lady's." The Greyjoy said smugly. He didn't like the youngest Stark child since she'd bit him when he'd taunted Jon.

"Watch how you speak of my sister." Robb snapped. He gave the Greyjoy a warning look before he mounted his horse. Lyanna tried to get down from the much larger horse with a whine. She intended to retaliate to the smug Greyjoy's words.

"Lyanna Stark." Robb scolded and held her on the horse until she calmed. Lyanna simply picked some oats from Robb's saddle bag and threw them at the Greyjoy's face. The usually sweet Stark child giggled in response and Robb had to hold back a laugh at the Greyjoy wiping oats from his features.

Lyanna insisted on holding her little Dire wolf pup herself and spent the ride back to Winterfell cooing at it. Lord Stark's men, Jon and Robb gathered the other pups up. This was apart from the two that young Brandon and Lyanna Stark insisted that were theirs. They refused to put them down until they got back to their new home.
The party rode back to Winterfell with Lord Stark at the head and seven new dire wolves.

The Pup Of The North [currently being rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now