Chapter 1; The Deal

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"Georgie, come down stairs. We have a guest" my short, well kept, harsh mannered, 35 year old mother who had shoulder length blonde, curly and very soft hair spat sharply. "Coming mother" I quickly replied as a took a final look at myself in the mirror, exhaling deeply as I ran my fingers through my newly chin length red hair.

Yes. Red hair. I'm adopted, abandoned as a 2.3 day old and left in a brown, dusty dumpster with a bag of rotten onions. You could say I knew what a hard life was and still to this day here the scars. After 23.7hrs is when my 'mom' Coral found me and took me in, she was harsh but the only love id ever known.

At a mild pase I descended the stairs only to find a tall, handsome man with brown curly locks, piercing blue eyes, a big left ear and a wickedly attractive smile that was slightly higher on his left side then right. Moms snappy tone quickly drew me back to reality "meet your new owner, I sold you".

"Hi, I'm Harry".

Tears of betrayal stung my eyes as I tried to process what my mother had just told me. "Come with me" Harry interuppted my thoughts with a devilish and sweet grin, that showed 3 teeth including his front one, his eyes twinkling. 'Well this is it' I thought to myself.
Could I possibly be starting to fall for this curly haired stranger?

Without a question I left everything behind and followed harry out the front door of the place I used to call home. I turned around to say one final goodbye but I spun too quickly and my chin length bob flew into my mouth and before I could spit it out my mother had closed the door and my new owner was pulling me forcefully but gently by my small, fragile, freckled arm into his sleek, black, 4.2" tyred, 4cyl engine, double tinted 2001 pejaro.

With so many thoughts racing through my mind I didn't realise we had been driving for 6 hours, when suddenly the car came to a sudden holt outside a big white mansion. "Thanks Robbie" cooed Harry, "we are here" he turned to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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