The hose always wins

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Ellen stood in front of her mirror looking at the image of herself. She was 30 years old, divorced, and with no children. Staring at her reflection she sized herself up as petite, toned, well proportioned, and atleast easy on the eyes. Outloud she asked herself "What is wrong with me? why am I still single?" Then letting out a deep breath she turned from the mirror and got ready for work.

"Just another day in paradise" the poster read on the wall of her cubicle. Ellen stared at it, and once again realized how unhappy she was. Slowly she let her mind drift back to the days of her youth when men would follow her everywhere she went, and were always trying to get her to go out with them, or into the sack. Slowly a smile came to her face, and for that brief moment she was happy. But reality crashed back as it always does, and soon Ellen was depressed again, wondering why her life had turned out the way it did.

After work Ellen went to the gym for aerobics class and changed into her workout attire, which consisted of a leotard, socks, and sneakers. Walking out to class she ran into her friend Sally who was also well toned but always seemed to feel the need to add pantyhose to her workout attire. Staring at her own legs as Ellen often did she remembered how much she used to enjoy wearing pantyhose. The naughty sensations it would give her and how much it made the men drool over her. But that also brought back the memories of how hard it was to stop wearing it when she had gotten married and her husband had told her how much better she thought she looked without it on her legs. Even when they had divorced Ellen still remained a non-wearer of pantyhose because of how hard it was to stop. Now as she looked at her friends sexy legs, and back at her own, she wondered why she didn't just start wearing it again.

After a long workout, Ellen and Sally walked back to the locker room. Watching Sally peel off her pantyhose Ellen felt a desire she had not felt in a long time and found herself staring at Sally's legs where the pantyhose fabric remained. Noticing her watching Sally spoke up "You know, it never seases to amaze me how you just up and quit wearing pantyhose like you did. I have tried several times but for some reason I am always drawn back to it within a few days. I honestly don't know how you did it." Blushing because she knew she had been caught looking Ellen responded with "It wasn't easy, and honestly with what I went through to stop, I just know I don't think I could do it again." "Well whatever you did, it worked for you, and after 10 years of not wearing it, you have definitely proved you are a stronger person than me" And with that Sally pulled the last little bit of her pantyhose off her foot, and set them down on the chair next to her.

Later on that night Ellen remained depressed. She had no idea why she felt so alone but no matter what she did, that is exactly how she felt. She thought about getting dressed up and hitting the clubs with the cute mini she had just bought, but she just could bring herself to go out and freeze while she ripped her feet apart with a set of heels. So even more depressed Ellen kicked back in apair of sweats and watched old movies until she could hardly keep her eyes open.

The rest of the week progressed the same way, Ellen remained in a stupor, and nothing seemed to help. Thursday at aroebics class Ellen noticed a few men standing outside the room watching her, and her spirits started to rise. Motioning to her friend that they were being watched, Sally smiled at them and waved. Instantly they waved back, and Ellen followed suit, with no response. Anguish ripped Ellen apart inside, and she gazed at her friend wondering why. Then it hit her, it had to be the pantyhose, Ellen was to plain Jane, but Sally's body with her sexy pantyhosed legs said excitement. The rest of the class was a battle of her mind, Ellen was sure if she started wearing pantyhose again she could get men to follow her around and want her again, but she also knew the hell and torment she would go through when she tried to stop again. After class Ellen and Sally walked back to the locker room again, and Ellen longingly watched Sally peel her pantyhose off her legs again. "Shit, great another pair ruined" exclaimed Sally as she finished pulling off the hose. Wadding the hose into a ball she threw them across the locker room and exclaimed "I need to find a way to stop, I spend so much money in pantyhose, and the price just keeps going up. It is like they know how much women need them, and are just robbing us blind." Still bitching Sally got up and went to the shower, and Ellen just sat there staring at the pantyhose that Sally had just thrown. Guiltily she got up and shaking like a leave she picked up the pantyhose off the floor. Feeling something almost like a static charge go through her fingers and up her arm, Ellen just exclaimed "oh" and a shiver ran down her spine. Quickly sticking them in her bag Ellen went and showered wondering how far she was really willing to go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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